TeniPuri birthdays

Feb 23, 2004 22:55

EDIT -- Please link to the HTML version here.

What I have learnt from the last meme is that a great many of you have known me (or of me, or have been reading me pikapika chirachira hanyaan) for a far longer time than I'd assumed. In the interim I also learnt from my tracker that about 110 people visited my site the day I put up the new layout - about four times the usual - and four of those 110 people commented. This is not to say that I demand more comments, because I don't answer all of mine as it is; merely that I think these two facts are somewhat related. In a facets of human nature sense. XD

Okay! This is a designated informative entry. Some days back I took birthdays down from 20.5 for Talya, and thought it would be worthwhile to do a full list so people could, like, link back to it. Saints know I need something like that for myself. (What I should do is put up an HTML page in the translations section of my site, but nobody does that nowadays. Baa.) Thus:

Ryouma: December 24, Capricorn, age 12
Tezuka: October 7, Libra, age 14
Ooishi: April 30, Taurus, age 15
Fuji: February 29, Pisces, age 14 [there's a bit in the fanbook where Eiji makes fun of him for being "four years old"]
Kikumaru: November 28, Sagittarius, age 14
Inui: June 3, Gemini, age 15 [we're currently first week of July, right?]
Kawamura: November 18, Scorpio, age 14
Momoshiro: July 23, Leo cusp Cancer, age 13 [nearly 14]
Kaidou: May 11, Taurus, age 14
Arai: March 29, Aries, age 14 [I'm going to assume, because if there's one thing Arai ain't, it's one week older than Katsuo...]
Ikeda: July 18, Cancer, age 14
Horio: September 25, Libra, age 12
Kachiro: March 2, Pisces, age 12
Katsuo: April 7, Aries, age 13

Fudoumine [they messed up the signs here >_>]
Tachibana: August 15, Leo, age 14
Shinji: November 3, Scorpio, age 13
Kamio: August 26, Virgo, age 13
Ishida: November 30, Sagittarius, age 13
Sakurai: July 18, Cancer, age 13 [nearly 14]
Uchimura: October 28, Scorpio, age 13
Mori: April 18, Aries, age 14

Saint Rudolph
Mizuki: May 27, Gemini, age 15
Yuuta: February 18, Aquarius cusp Pisces, age 13
Kisaragi: November 20, Scorpio, age 14
Yanagisawa: December 9, Sagittarius, age 14
Akazawa: August 3, Leo, age 14
Kaneda: December 31, Capricorn, age 13 [he's a second year]
Nomura: February 28, Pisces, age 14

Sengoku: November 25, Sagittarius, age 14
Akutsu: April 2, Aries, age 15
Minami: July 3, Cancer, age 15
Higashikata: September 10, Virgo, age 14
Nitobe "the sprout": August 8, Leo, age 14
Kita "the curlicues": July 26, Leo, age 14
Muromachi: October 31, Scorpio, age 13 [he's a second year]
Dan: January 2, Capricorn, age 12

Atobe: October 4, Libra, age 14
Oshitari: October 15, Libra, age 14
Mukahi: September 12, Virgo, age 14
Shishido: September 29, Libra, age 14
Jirou: May 5, Taurus, age 15 [let's 5!]
Kabaji: January 3, Capricorn, age 13
Ohtori: February 14, Aquarius, age 13
Hiyoshi: December 5, Sagittarius, age 13
Taki: October 29, Scorpio, age 14

Kentarou: December 20, Sagittarius, age 12
Saeki: October 1, Libra, age 14
Kurobane: September 29, Libra, age 14
Dabide: November 22, Sagittarius cusp Scorpio, age 13 [he's a second year... no, I don't know any of this]
Itsuki: August 31, Virgo, age 14
Kisaragi: November 20, Scorpio, age 14

Sanada: May 21, Gemini cusp Taurus, age 15
Yukimura: March 5, Pisces, age 14
Yanagi: June 4, Gemini, age 15
Yagyuu: October 19, Libra, age 14
Niou: December 4, Sagittarius, age 14
Marui: April 20, Taurus cusp Aries, age 15
Jackal: November 3, Scorpio, age 14
Kirihara: September 25, Libra, age 13

That took longer than expected, to no one's surprise but my own. >_> Remember that the Japanese school year begins in April and ends in March, and kids graduate junior high at 15. Not to say that my math has no mistakes in it, because it probably does.

Randomzoid observations:

* Kachiro is the youngest character. Marui is the oldest. *cracks up*
* For that matter, Jirou's the oldest in Hyotei.
* Fuji and Yuuta have birthdays ten days apart (to either side of mine ^^;), and are both young for their years. Yukimura is the youngest for his year. Thus, Fuji is closer to Kaidou's age than he is to Ooishi's, and Yukimura is closer to Kirihara's age than Sanada's. If you want to be logical about the series - always an iffy proposition - this goes a long way toward explaining why the second years are so much bigger than the first years. They're only a grade apart, but Momo is actually 1 1/2 years older than Ryouma; Kaidou is nearly 2 years older than Kachiro.
* Inui is exactly one day older than Renji. They're the only ones to have June birthdays.
* Most all the Hyotei third years have their birthdays in September-October.
* Ryouma was born on Christmas Eve, Dan on the day after New Year's, Kaneda on New Year's Eve and Ohtori on Valentine's Day.
* People with the same birthdays (the j-fen have a lot of fun with this):
-- Shishido and Kurobane (September 29)
-- Horio and Kirihara (September 25)
-- Shinji and Jackal (November 3)
-- the Kisaragi twins (well, duh - November 20)
-- Ikeda and Sakurai (July 18)

* My impression was right: there really are twice as many charas born in July-December as January-June.

January: 2 / February 4 / March: 3 / April: 5 / May: 4 / June: 2 / July: 5 / August: 5 / September: 6 / October: 8 / November: 9 / December: 6

Uhh... and the fanbook calculates that Fuji actually has his eyes open 37% of the time, so... /end useless statistics

The other thing I wanted to post: while going through the character profile pages attentively, I realised that a lot of them included "suggested careers". (Not to mention totem spirits, as if they knew I'd be reading, but I'll leave that for some other time.) These aren't futurecanon or anything, thank heavens, but I find them rather sporflingly amusing as guidelines. XD

Ryouma: pilot, astronaut
Tezuka: Yuki Eiri novelist
Ooishi: artist
Fuji: something in the artistic domain
Kikumaru: model, "talent", childcare worker
Inui: lawyer, accountant, notary
Kawamura: it doesn't say, so I'll assume sushiya ^^;
Momoshiro: sportsman, coach
Kaidou: event planner [......like, what, a wedding planner?]

Last note on Tezuka: he was an explorer in his past life. As in Mason and Dixon, Sir Edmund Hillary, Ferdinand Magellan. (This is stated as canon.) ...I know, it explains so bloody much, dunnit.
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