
Jan 06, 2008 23:59

I watched BSG: Razor today! I missed it when it was on TV, because I don't have Sky anymore, but I bought the DVD yesterday. I thought there was some definite sexual tension between Kendra and Kara, no? I quite liked Kendra as a character, but Starbuck still completely and utterly rules, prophesy or no prophesy. Wasn't sure about the guy who played ( Read more... )

battlestar galactica, videos, comedy

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Comments 4

nuclearfootball January 7 2008, 00:58:49 UTC
OMG I can tell that's the one with Richard Simmons right? I'll have to watch it after The Simpsons. When that first aired I almost lost consciousness laughing.


petrichor_fizz January 7 2008, 01:16:43 UTC
Yes! I was watching a John Waters comedy routine on YouTube and this was under related videos because he mentioned him, and... dude. That show is gay enough as it is. That was just the big gay cherry on the big gay cake.


recrudescence January 7 2008, 02:04:46 UTC
Whoa, I didn't know Richard Simmons was so...little.


petrichor_fizz January 7 2008, 02:11:39 UTC
Honestly? I didn't know who he was until just now. But I'm sure standing next to Ryan doesn't do him any favours...


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