Drunk? Me?

Oct 13, 2007 02:09

Reefer Madness slash!

It has to be done!

drugs, wine, silliness, slash, cinema, gay

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Comments 2

recrudescence October 13 2007, 04:22:23 UTC
I have never seen Reefer Madness, but I am also just this side of not-quite-sober.

And I once wrote Project Runway RPS.

Okay, twice. But still. As long as said RPS is well-executed, I'm in favor.


petrichor_fizz October 13 2007, 15:41:28 UTC
Ooh, ooh, you must watch it, it's on Google video! It's absolutely hilarious. "A 'Marihuana' addict at 16! Just a boy!"


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