"Happy Easter"

Apr 09, 2007 01:44

If, like me, you find the whole thing laughable, here's somebody who agrees with us (the man who has been invading my subconscious of late).

I had to go to Suffolk to visit my mother's family today. I almost managed to coax an intelligent conversation out of one of them, but I fell at the last hurdle. I know I'm coming across as misanthropic to the ( Read more... )

bill hicks, cinema, rabbits, television

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Comments 2

elicia8 April 9 2007, 01:19:06 UTC
I really liked it - it reminded me of Watership Down. Did anyone else get that from it?

WOW. It totally does. Genius!

Now I must watch again, and possibly write an analysis paper. Or something ridiculously useless like that.


petrichor_fizz April 9 2007, 01:40:31 UTC
I had exactly the same thought! Great minds.

This is the kind of thing that makes me bizarrely happy. How I function in the real world, I have no idea.


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