'30 days' meme, day 6

Jan 17, 2010 22:12

 Just realised I've been calling this a '60 days' meme from the beginning, and there are actually only 30 days. No idea why I've been doing that. So anyway, today is 'whatever tickles my fancy'. I don't want to pre-empt future things on the list, so I am going for this, even though it is silly. This is a MAD Magazine parody of Watchmen, which I ( Read more... )

meme, literature, comedy

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Comments 2

kohlrimmedeye January 17 2010, 21:19:52 UTC
Ha, that link has completely made my evening. Thank you!



petrichor_fizz January 18 2010, 23:00:53 UTC
:D Glad you liked! xx


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