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Comments 120

rince1wind December 5 2011, 15:31:39 UTC
Love them! Nice Sherlock, too. Have you ever done one of Sam Tyler? (UK "Life on Mars") If you have, I would love to see it/them!


petite_madame December 5 2011, 18:23:09 UTC
No, I've never done an art of Sam Tyler. I've never watched Life On Mars, that's maybe why! xD
Thanks a lot for your great comment about my "In small packages post" ♥


smut_slut December 5 2011, 15:36:04 UTC
Oh wow!!! These are all so beautiful!!! <333 I especially love the first one :) Dean's smile is amazingly well captured and you got that little twinkle in Sam's eyes just right *hugs*
Happy Holidays!


petite_madame December 5 2011, 18:25:55 UTC
Great icon! Exactly the kind of present I would to have for Xmas xD
Oh, you noticed the glow in Sam's eyes, that's awesome! It was a silly detail I added and I thought that nobody would noticed it! ^^
Thanks a lot for your great comment about my "In small packages gift post" ♥


artmetica December 5 2011, 15:43:19 UTC
Hyaaaa what is all this goodness!?!? XD You just continue to amaze me! Better comment on these ASAP before life gets ahold of me again!

#1 - I love love the warmth in this! They look so happy! I wonder what Dean is cooking :9 hmmm
#2 - OMG heeeeeeee!!!! Cas you look ecstatic, just like silly Misha XD hahaha I love his stomach!
#3 - This one's really sweet, I love the colors and their pose! :D
#4 - Aww this makes me so happy! So many smiling Dean in one post, everything is a happy moment! ^^ ♥ ♥ ♥
#5 - LOL don't worry Jared, they don't look so bad! And there are plenty of fangirls over here waiting to eat you the cupcakes! ;p
#6 - Oh my, the atmosphere in this is so lovely! It looks cold outside, but very warm inside ^^ And Jensen, what are you looking at? There's a pretty sight right there beside you! XD
#7 - OH MY GOD YOU DREW SHERLOCK! The colouring is gorgeous, and you captured him perfectly! ♥

I love you madame!!! ♥ Thank you so much for sharing these!!!


artmetica December 5 2011, 15:46:08 UTC
And I'm downloading your playlists *whistles* XD Thanks for those too!


petite_madame December 5 2011, 18:28:56 UTC
And I'm downloading your playlists *whistles* XD Thanks for those too!
No problem! I screwed up a bit for the schmoop one though xD The requester wanted something schmoop and half of the songs are about love stories that don't end well. What else could you expect from someone who draws death!art and gore? ^^;;


artmetica December 5 2011, 23:44:47 UTC
Haha well we can have some schmoop in the stories even if they don't always end well! XD
Also, just noticed the title of the 1st art this morning (it's chili, artmetica you stupid girl ^^;)
And your RBB post is next week!? Uaaaaaaa T-T *sniff*


darkforetold December 5 2011, 15:46:58 UTC
All of them are beautiful! No one wished for D/C? brb crying. Also, Sherlock! /flail



petite_madame December 5 2011, 18:31:53 UTC
When it comes to art and drawble, I think that I only saw ONE wish about D/C. It was something like "Dean and Castiel - snow" but I was already busy enough with J2. ^^;;
Thanks a lot for your great comment about my "In small packages post" ♥


angelicfoodcake December 5 2011, 15:47:55 UTC
"Jared's kitchen nightmare" was one of my wishes \o/
I can't thank you enough for filling this ♥
Poor Jared, his expression's like "Not again D:"

Also love the colors :D They look a bit dream-like to me :D

The others are awesome, too :D

But I can't stop being happy about "my" Jared :DDD You win!


petite_madame December 5 2011, 18:56:17 UTC
Oh really?! I'm glad it was yours! ^^
It was really a great wish and you are right about Jared's expression, I really wanted him to look like as if it was a disaster every time he decides to bake or to even come near an oven xD
Thanks for noticing the colors! I experimented a new style because I've just bought "Painter 12" and it gives you the possibility to draw as if you were using watercolors :D
I'm happy you're happy about your Jared then ^o^
Thanks a lot for your great comment about my "In small packages post" ♥


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