Fan art : Spn Tarot - The Strength (Dean Winchester)

Apr 12, 2010 06:49

Fan art : Spn Tarot - The Strength (Dean Winchester)

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supernatural, tarot, jensen ackles, dean winchester

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Comments 99

maichan April 12 2010, 07:23:12 UTC
I mean, Jensen Ackles spend enough time at the gym so let's not make the poor guy's muscles vanish under a flat pattern.
LOLOL, ILU. This is one of my pet peeves as well. Seriously, it's not that hard to add some dimension, ppl ;)


petite_madame April 14 2010, 03:43:31 UTC
I think I am like you : I think that predefined brush can be at the same time the greatest thing when it comes to give great effects rapidly but it can also be a curse when you sometimes see the result in for instance in shojo manga style illustrations XD I just can't stand "flat drawings" and hyper smooth textures that make the skin glow and turn it into plastic ^^;;
Thanks a lot for the very nice comment about my art :)


laru_tan_repus April 12 2010, 07:38:27 UTC
Wow. I just have to say, I'm shocked. The level of skill you've shown in the painting would be enough alone, but you posted a tutorial too? My mind is blown. I learned so much just from reading this post and I can't wait to put it into practice. Your art is MIND-BLOWING. I absolutely love the lighting and the detail of Dean's face, particularly his hair. You did a freakin' fantastic job with this and thank you so much for sharing the methods!


petite_madame April 14 2010, 03:47:01 UTC
Your welcome ^^
I love writing tutorials and trying to explain in a very simple manner how to create great effect that can be useful for fan artists. And when you are a Spn fan artist you MUST know how to create a plaid pattern, no ? ^^ I haven't seen so many plaid shirts in a show since the Dukes of Hazzard XD
Thanks a lot for the very nice comment about my art :D


laru_tan_repus April 14 2010, 03:51:30 UTC
You are so welcome, you totally deserve it! I've gone looking through all of your art and it's all very amazing, I am in awe of you skill. As I said, it's wonderful that you offer tutorials, I feel like I can learn a lot from your posts! Is it okay if I friend you so I know when you post more art? :D


petite_madame April 14 2010, 12:04:18 UTC
Oh yes, go ahead! Friend me, no problem :D


space_raider182 April 12 2010, 07:40:48 UTC
Well, amazing as usual. I LOVE the plaid and Dean's expression--a little less sulky!Dean than the screen-cap and more bad-ass-ed-ly-composed!Dean.
And you know what is so bonusly adorable about this? The bow to his legs, almost disappearing in shadow. Oh, the depth of your art is amazing--literal and figurative.


petite_madame April 14 2010, 03:50:10 UTC
Jensen without his bowed legs isn't really Jensen, no ? ^^
I had to transform the screenshot because it didn't fit at all. In fact I chose it because I needed a ref picture where Jensen was looking down, with his eyes closed. This was the only one that could fit for what I had in mind xD
Thanks a lot for the very nice comment about my art :D
Glad you paid attention to all the details ^^


coldconcrete April 12 2010, 07:59:19 UTC
Jesus! Could you be anymore talented? No, I mean, seriously. This is amazing, and I've seen some of your other stuff and everytime I'm pretty much blown away by how...great they are. There's so much detail and it always looks so real. So amazing.

I wish I could do that, or at least be more artistic so I could appreciate this with the eye of an artist. But regardless of my only being able to draw stick people, I love this.

*gives you pie* Sorry, I ramble a little.


petite_madame April 14 2010, 12:03:37 UTC
Thanks a lot for the very nice comment about my art. Glad you paid attention to details because for me details are everything. I mean, I know it's just a fan art but I can spend hours trying to find the right color, the right palette, etc...
And thank you for the pie, I am like Dean, I would die for a piece of pie (cherry pie, if possible ^^)


coldconcrete April 16 2010, 18:43:13 UTC
Well I do what I can, and one of my best friends is an artist-type person and she bitched me out once for not giving her a detailed reason for liking her stuff, lol.

And cherry pie is really the only kind of pie to have.


impala_chick April 12 2010, 08:50:47 UTC
Holy crap :O That is freaking gorgeous. I'm going to put it on my desktop or something just to be able to stare at it.


petite_madame April 14 2010, 03:51:42 UTC
Sorry but for once, as I work for a tarot game, there is no "wallpaper version" of that illustration. Usually I try to create one because some of my friends are interested but here it's impossible :/
Thanks a lot for the very nice comment about my art :D


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