Fan arts : 5 arts for the J2 AFTER CLASS Exchange

Feb 07, 2011 13:32

Fan arts : 5 arts for the J2 AFTER CLASS Exchange

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jared padalecki, j2 after class, fan art, j2, supernatural, jensen ackles

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Comments 153

amberdreams February 7 2011, 13:11:19 UTC
*grins* Lovely set! I see you have made good use of your own tutorial on creating rain drop effects... My fave is Autumn because of the reds, the light on the glass of the window, the leaves blowing and the pylons - oh and the gloomy glare of the dog!! But I also love the Winter one because I have a thing for Jensen in glasses, and because I loved the newsprinty Japanesey background and the snow.
PS bwahahaha at your little rude blushing Dean chibi icon!!!!! :D


petite_madame February 8 2011, 02:36:57 UTC
I've been using this "raindrop technique" for ages. I saw a tutorial one day on a French forum but I changed it a bit because I wasn't satisfied with the final rending. I must admit that every time I can add drops (water, sweat), I do it XD
My icon must be the most ridiculous thing I've produced in ages. I filled a prompt for the spn_kink_art comm. Someone wanted Dean with Sam's hoodie and "nothing else". I started to work on it seriously and I don't know why I dropped for a "chibie version" in the middle ^^
Thanks a lot for the great comment about my works :)


amberdreams February 8 2011, 18:46:29 UTC
Oh yes, I remember the more 'conventional' fill for that prompt...! ;-)


universalevil February 7 2011, 13:26:48 UTC


petite_madame February 8 2011, 02:31:44 UTC
Thank you!! ♥


mysticwaters February 7 2011, 14:10:05 UTC
You are awesome! Seriously awesome! I love J2 high school AUs and now I want to go find every one I've ever read and read them all over again! Young!boys are so adorable and your art makes my heart go pity-pat. ♥


petite_madame February 8 2011, 02:38:33 UTC
When I see the number of College AU I have in my HD, I think it would take me one month to reread everything XD
Thanks a lot for the great comment about my works :)
Glad you loved my super schmoopiesque "J2 in High School" post ♥


anarda2 February 7 2011, 14:13:10 UTC
absolutely beautiful!


petite_madame February 8 2011, 02:31:57 UTC
Thank you very much ♥


alena2b February 7 2011, 14:25:01 UTC
amazing artwork! especially the tennis one is stunning!


petite_madame February 8 2011, 02:32:36 UTC
Thanks a lot for the great comment about my works :)
For once I changed, I drew it as if it was a pastel illustration :D


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