Avengers Reverse Bang - Even the Light is an Illusion
Welcome to the art post for Even the Light is an Illusion, an amazing fic by
mizzy2k writen for the 2012
avengers_rbb. If you want to read the fic, you can do it
HERE ***
mizzy2k for being an AMAZING person and writing this great fic! Thank you SO MUCH for your squee, your support and the whole fun we had during those two months!! It was fantastic ^o^ I didn't expect my short comics to become a 100000 word fic!!
obstinatrix, for betaing the original comics I submitted for the art claim.
(Click on the title to full size)
Poster Art2)
Comics P.13)
Comics P.24)
Comics P.35)
Comics P.46)
Comics P.57)
Tony, you are a liability8)
Brothers in arms9)
Ballpoint pen sketch (done to promote the fic on Tumblr)
Ballpoint pen + pencil sketch (full size version of the RBB community banner - Sorry there are still the writings from my One Sketch a Day sketchbook on Steve's shirt ^^;;)
Art post banner
Master Post Banner
Title banner
End banner
Avengers RBB Community Banner
Tools of the trade: Pencil on paper, ballpoint pen, Photoshop CS, Photoshop CS4
Reference photos from: RDJ
1 &
2, Chris Evans (
mostly from this page),
promo photo,
Captain America.