Spn_30snapshop Art 6/30 : LIFE

Mar 22, 2011 04:01

Spn_30snapshop Art 6/30 : LIFE

Amazing beta by the amazing maichan808 ! Thank you very much!!

I hosted the 8 arts at Megaupload and I also enclosed a word document with all the texts if you have some problems reading my writing. It's more convenient....


...but if you want, the arts are also available separately at Imageshack:

- Page 1
- Page 2
- Page 3
- Page 4
- Page 5
- Page 6
- Page 7
- Page 8

What's the concept?

My sixth prompt for the spn_30snapshots  community, Life (after Death two weeks ago, it makes sense). I will present my 30 prompts as a kind of Sam & Dean's journal (or a dictionary if you prefer) with one entry for each word of the table. I will fill the prompts out of order.

A Master Post for the Snapshots?

Yes, just follow the link : Master Post

Eight pages? Seriously Petite-Madame?

I must admit that things went a little bit out of hand...

Tools of the Trade:

- Photoshop CS: CG Paintings
* Dean and the cat (p.1)
* Sam at the Arcade Fire's concert (p.2)
* Dean and Nikki Sixx (p.4)
* Dean at the museum (p.5)
* Young man from Senegal (p.6)
* KFC bucket (except the main logo) (p.8)

- Paint over:
* Arcade Fire logo on Sam's Tshirt (p.2)
* KFC logo on the KFC bucket (p.8)

- Photography:
* The crowd behind Sam at the concert (p.2)
* Lipstick stain (p.3)
* Jackson Pollock's painting (p.5)
* The crowd behind the young man from Dakar (p.6)

- Graphite on paper (all colored in Photoshop CS) :
* Jawhawks cap (p.2)
* Evangeline Pussy (p.3)
* Gun, tapes and lighter (p.7)

- Ballpoint pen:
* All the writings except Evangeline Pussy's autograph (Photoshop CS)

Next entry?

Not before some time (mid April I guess). I am back to Paris now and I won't have a lot of time to draw anymore like when I was living Japan, on my own. I will post my April wallpaper at the end of the month (it's been ready for ages and the author already received it) but I will have to wait a bit before posting something new for spn_30snapshots . I have nothing new to post at the moment! So, less updates from me folks!

That's it for today!
See you soon (I hope)

fan art, supernatural, 30snapshots, sam winchester, dean winchester

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