Spn_30snapshop Art 4/30 : HELL
Warnings: blood, use of religious imagery, bare-chested Sam (art1)
http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/430/hell1tag.jpg ART TWO (FULL SIZE) here:
img151.imageshack.us/img151/4972/hell2tag.jpg ART THREE (FULL SIZE):
img194.imageshack.us/img194/9847/hell3tag.jpg ART ONE (No Notebook version):
img7.imageshack.us/img7/7035/hellnobooktag.jpg Beta by T.A.M (The Amazing
maichan808 ) , still trying hard not to have an heart attack due to my English
What's the concept?
My fourth prompt for the
spn_30snapshots community, Hell. I will present my 30 prompts as a kind of Sam & Dean's journal (or a dictionary if you prefer) with one entry for each word of the table. I will fill the prompts out of order, maybe (if I can) once a week.
A Master Post for the Snapshots?
Yes, just follow the link :
Master Post
You wrote in artwork 2, that Sam didn't remember Hell. But he does remember Hell!!
It's because I designed this artwork before Sam had started to scratch the Wall. I didn't want to change the text, it has already been betaed. So much for the canon. I will take it into account for the next entries. ಠ_ಠ
Tools of the trade ?
- Photoshop CS: CG Painting (Sam, Artwork 1)
- Photography: Notebook texture (what you can see on the left of the pic)
- China Ink: writings (NOTHING)
- Ballpoint: writings (HELL)
- Non-original works: Artwork 1:
Anatomy drawing by Leonardo Da Vinci, Artwork 2:
Hell by Gustave Doré
Reference photos?
Various photos from this page (S6-03):
Spn HQ Screencaps Next ?
Next week if I have the time. A sad one too but after this one the fun will be back.
That's it for today!
See you next week