Supernatural Fan Art : Don't turn around Sammy, don't turn around

Mar 10, 2010 05:58

Fan art : Don't turn around Sammy, don't turn around

The full size version is available here :


What's the concept ?

I've always wanted to draw a fan art of the Winchesters "pre-Supernatural" when John was hiting the road with his kids, "hunting things" and trying to train the boys in order to turn them into Class-A hunters. I came down with several ideas including the whole familly in the Impala but I finally focused on the relationship between Sam and Dean and how Dean started to get obsessed with his mission of protecting his little brother.

Is it the first version ?

No, in a first sketch, Dean had his hand over Sam's eyes but it conveyed less emotions than this version so I went for something completely different, and I don't regret it.

Was it difficult ?

For that fan art, the real challenge was to draw a "young Dean". I didn't want to use as a reference the face of Brock Kelly, the actor who plays a 16-17 year old Dean in the After School Special episode. I really don't think he looks like Jensen Ackles. Well, OF COURSE, there is that "little something" in his face but I wasn't really convinced, just a personal opinion here. For the record, I think that the casting directors never really managed to find for the show a kid that really had the same features as Jensen Ackles and about whom we would all go "OMG, this is Dean!!!". On the other hand, Colin Ford (young Sam) really looks like Jared Padalecki. There is something about his eyes and his mouth that immediately made me think about JP.

So, to cut a long story short, I decided to take as a reference a photo of a 26-27 year old Dean and to make him look younger which is not that easy, believe me. I don't know if I succeeded but I had to draw Jensen less large than he is now (in one word to forget about his muscled frame), to erase a lot of his expression wrinkles, to thin down his face, smoother the skin, forget about the beard, etc... I hope you like the result ;)

Reference pictures :
- Sam :
- Dean :

Why not using as a reference pic a photo of Jensen when he was, for instance, in Days of our Lives ?

I wasn't convinced by the photos I found. Bizarrely I found it easier to start with a 26-27 year old Jensen and made him look younger than actually taking as a reference picture an old photo where his face was a little bit more "chubby".

The funniest part to draw ?

Sam's hair and the monster, obviously ^^

Hey, that monster looks familiar BTW...

I used a monster (a production still) from the movie Constantine , that is to say the film adaptation of Hellblazer, one of the biggest inspirations for the whole Supernatural universe. Well, sometimes, it's more than inspiration, it's almost plagiarism but as Kripke is honest enough to recognize it, it's ok for me. I actually found that monster very cool so, for once, I didn't have to create a creature from Hell by myself. This one was just perfect.

Oh God, Petite-Madame, why do you always have to draw a zombie or a monster in your Spn fan arts ?

Rhoo come on ! Because monsters are fun ! Look how the little buddy's brain explode thanks to John's shooting skills. Isn't it awesome ?! And guess what, in a first version, a big trail of blood was visible in the middle of the road. As Nikki Sixx says "There's nothing like a trail of blood to find your way back home..." ^o^

Dean is always bruised in you drawings...

I could find a phoney excuse and tell you it's because of his dangerous job but I think he just happens to look a lot more sexier with blood on his face so...

Where's the Impala ?

I know..I tried to put it somewhere in the pix but it ruined the composition of the image. I found it better that the viewer's eyes would only focus, one, on the boys in the foreground, two on John and the monster in the background. No need to add an element that had nothing to do there even if it's relevant when it comes to the mythology of the show.


What softwares did you use ?

The usual drill, Photoshop CS and Painter Essential 3. For once, not Paint Shop Pro.
Tablet : Wacom Tablet, Graphire 4.

How long did it take you ?

More than 20 hours for that one. I'm very slow. When I draw I usually watch TV or even work at the same time, hence the 20 hours..

What brushes did you use ?

Photoshop : Mainly a default brush from the "basic brush set" (Opacity 30%-50%) plus a "dry brush" for the shadows and outlines. I also used pre-defined brushes downloaded on the net for the clouds and the plants at the edge of the road. It is always a pleasure when you don't have to draw everything and that you just have to click to make a whole cloudy sky appear out of the blue (hence the almost photographic effect when you watch the sky). Call me lazy but I prefer to draw characters than sets so when I find a way to spend less time on clouds, plants, etc, I go for it ! I can't tell you where those brushes come from because I downloaded them ages ago but here are a little glimpse of the brushes so that you can have a general idea :

Painter : Acrylics and digital watercolors with a very low opacity (around 10%).

Textures ? Filters ?

Yep ! Of course :
Filters : Mainly blue filters from the "color filters". I also changed the tones thanks to the "color balance" and "variations"
Textures : I used this texture with a very very low opacity (around 20%) with my layer set to "multiply" to give that "grunge effect". Here is a little "before/after" so that you can spot the difference and see the importance of that "final touch" :

Et voila !!!

That's all folks !!

Comments ? Questions ? Don't hesitate!


fan art, supernatural, sam winchester, jensen ackles, dean winchester

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