I'm going to have to re-read A Wrinkle in Time, having recently seen the film and realised that I can't remember anything of it apart from a few character names.
Butbutbutbutbut, I picked up a copy of The Halfmen of O, on the weekend, one of my favourite fantasy books from when I was 12ish and the one that I would most like to adapt to screen (were I in a position to do so, which I aren't. Probably a good thing).
Comments 3
Wrinkle: Wow, that one brings back memories!
I've read a lot of Norton, but I'm not sure about Beast Master. She was a mainstay throughout my youth!
Haven't read the other though.
Butbutbutbutbut, I picked up a copy of The Halfmen of O, on the weekend, one of my favourite fantasy books from when I was 12ish and the one that I would most like to adapt to screen (were I in a position to do so, which I aren't. Probably a good thing).
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