The Peter and Claude Anonymous Fic Meme!

Nov 03, 2009 19:33

Hello there, Heroes Fandom, and welcome to the Peter and Claude Anonymous Fic Meme!

Like a kink meme, a fic meme requires you to come up with a prompt for a fic (as in a drabble, one shot, multi-arc epic, whatever) that you would want to read, request it anonymously, and sit back and wait for the wonderful, wonderful people around here to answer that prompt. These wonderful, wonderful people will hopefully remain anonymous as well, but may feel free to reveal themselves after a certain date.

Now, we all love porn (well, most of us, right?), so you can feel free to post as kinky a prompt as you wish; just know that you have the option of posting something that is not kink related. So this is like a kink meme +, which is kind of awesome, right?

So what do you need to do in order to participate in this awesomeness?

1: Post anonymously with a character or characters (two, three, fifty, whatever).

2. Provide a prompt. Remember, it can be the sort of prompt you’d normally post at a kink meme, or it can be something else entirely; a song lyric, a quote, a gen scenario, whatever you feel like reading that you haven’t been able to find elsewhere and are too shy to badger ask your flist to write for you, go ahead and ask now! No one will know!

3. Hope that an anonymous person will be interested and willing to write it for you. They will reply to your request with the fic.

4. Recall that your request is NOT guaranteed. No complaints, please.*

*Adapted from the original Heroes Kink Meme, by lone_child, which can be found here.

A couple more things to keep in mind:

1. This is a slash, fem-slash (hey, Rule 63 is in effect), het, or gen friendly meme. Intolerance will, ironically enough, not be tolerated.

2. Writers may un-anon themselves later, if they wish to do so.

3. It's really not necessary to second prompts.

Now, because we’re being hosted by peterandclaude, after all, we’re limiting this to prompts that feature either Peter or Claude (or both, as is your wish) in some capacity.

Because we love Peter, and we love Claude; we love them together, of course (this is certainly the community for it), but we also love them with other people, or entirely by themselves. Basically, anything, so long as it involves Peter Petrelli or Claude Rains in some way, goes here.

And, as always, we'd be eternally grateful if you spread this far and wide, to any and all communities with even marginal interest in Peter, Claude, and writing/reading about either of them, doing just whatever. We're really not picky, we really are just that interested.

Questions, comments, etc, may be directed to visiblemarket and/or englishmuffin2 via PM.

And now: to the anonymous fic mobile! Have at it, ladies, gentlemen, and variations thereupon!

Meme crawl!


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