Room 324, Saturday morning

Jan 19, 2008 11:41

Peter woke up to several surprises, some of them occurring even before he opened his eyes. The bed was far too comfortable. His covers didn't feel like of the hide of any animal he recognized. There was warmth in the room without a fire. When he finally chanced looking around to see what had happened, it turned out to be even worse than he imagined. Numbers lit up across the room like the fires of Hell, all manner of strange decorations (including what looked to be multi-colored, flattened balls of some sort), and a lifelike portrait of what looked to be an older version of himself in strange clothes with a girl who he supposed could be an older Virginia in even stranger clothes, if she decided to abandon the white look somehow...

"I don't think I'm in Roanoke anymore..." he said, rising cautiously from bed. This wasn't going to be a good day. He thought about his training, everything Sir Nicholas had taught him. Fury hadn't quite hit on anything like this, but the basics were still the same. Rule number one: Stay calm. That would be a challenge.

[OOC: For this weekend, Peter is Peter Parquagh (a.k.a. The Spider) from Neil Gaiman's 1602, the universe that asks "What if the Marvel Universe started 400 years earlier?" Few quick points to note: he does have Spider-powers, he's a trained 14-year-old spy, he speaks with an English accent, has been living in Roanoke Colony, is BFF with Virginia Dare, and there are dinosaurs in the New World. Thank you, Neil Gaiman.

Anyway, post is open. Door's closed due to being first thing in the morning.]
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