Mood Theme

May 22, 2007 00:38

I made a mood theme. It took forever, but I was being very methodical about it and I really like what I came up with (for now). Ask anyone who knows me and they'll say that I'm very picky when I start new adventures and this was one of those instances.

I didn't want to over use one character (although the MAIN cast has more on average than everyone else) and I wanted every episode to be represented and not too many from just one. This made it MORE difficult, but after months of screencapping and making moods, I did it! It goes up to the end of season three. I even made one just for season three because there were so many good scenes and some that were hard to choose from. I realize that there are many mood themes from lots of different people, but I think I did a good job of being well rounded. I learned something from this and it was fun. Maybe I'll continue to do this again. :) Enjoy!

Random Preview:

  • Please comment AND credit: pessimistreader in your user info if you use or take
  • See full preview of all moods here: Seasons 1-3, Season 3
  • Please upload the pics into your own domain before using. Thanks!

Find awesome instructions here at crackified

Instructions: (in summed up format and you must have plus or paid account for usage)
  1. Download the mood theme .zip file, unzip the file, and upload all the images to your image host of choice.
  2. Go to the Admin Console and paste the following: moodtheme_create "Title" "Description" (Change "Title" to whatever you want to title your theme and change Description to however you want to describe your theme.
  3. After you hit the "execute" buttom, you should receive a message similar to this: "Success. Your new moodthemeid = 123456"
  4. Copy this number (e.g. 123456) for later,
  5. Copy and paste this code into your favorite text editor (e.g. Notepad).
  6. Using the "search and replace" feature, change 123456 to the number you wrote down in Step #3
  7. Using the "search and replace" feature, change to the URL of the folder holding all your moodtheme images. Do not include the individual file names.
  8. Now, go back to the Admin Console and paste the code into the box.
  9. Hit "execute". A big long list of code will be generated.
  10. Go to your Customizations page and click on the tab that says "Look and Feel". At the bottom there is a fieldset labelled "Mood Icons". Choose the theme you just created from the drop down menu. Hit "save".
  11. Ta Da! All Done!
**ALSO, let me know if something doesn't work or what not. I have issues sometimes, especially this late in the night that I'm posting this. Haha. :)

mood themes

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