[It's not exactly every day that a small child in a man's shirt and coat just appears out of nowhere. Which is why when it happens and Cas is suddenly there, he gives a rather manful yell and almost bangs his head off the doorframe.] Holy -.
[Once he gets his bearings, Dean frowns, squints at the Cas-child like he's fairly certain he's been roofied somehow.] Am I dreaming?
No. [ The surprisingly young and high voice answers honestly, pausing in surprise at the sound coming from his mouth. He frowns but doesn't make any attempt to move from his spot. ]
C-Cas? [Of course he knows it's Cas, he does know that, but he's still hoping somehow this is a child randomly out of nowhere and not his angel because what.] That you?
[Balthazar's making it quite a habit to keep track of Castiel's whereabouts now, now that's he's picked a side at least, and so it's with a flutter of wings that he lands in roughly the same spot.]
Cas, I-. [Pausing, he gets a good look at his brother before an amused grin starts to spread across his face. He crouches down.] Feeling a little childish today, brother?
I do not re-require suste-susti-food, bwuther. [ His frown his growing more defined, displeased how difficult is suddenly seems to pronounciate properly. Very troubling. ] I- We need to fix this.
Comments 74
[Once he gets his bearings, Dean frowns, squints at the Cas-child like he's fairly certain he's been roofied somehow.] Am I dreaming?
Sumthing happened. I shr-shruunk.
Cas, I-. [Pausing, he gets a good look at his brother before an amused grin starts to spread across his face. He crouches down.] Feeling a little childish today, brother?
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