Title: Broken - Chapter 1: Smith and Jones Again (1 / 7)
Author: Persiflage_1
Characters/Pairings: Tenth Doctor/Martha, OCs
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: Season 3 (Set in a post-S3 AU)
Summary: Travelling with the Doctor is always an adventure, but sometimes the adventures are not fun.
Disclaimer: The BBC owns "Doctor Who" and all that jazz…
Warning: There are going to be descriptions of torture.
Author Notes: This is going to be a lengthy story. It's a follow up to the
Celebrating Martha's Birthday series and opens about 6 months after Martha agreed to travel with the Doctor again. The story will make use of flashbacks to describe Ten and Martha's adventures during those 6 months. The story is set on Meta Sigmafolio, the planet to which Ten offered to take Martha to see "a burst of starfire like oil on water" at the end of "The Last of the Time Lords" - so I've created some original characters and an alien culture for them.
Meta Sigmafolio, Day 5
Martha took the bandage from the blue-skinned humanoid beside her and bound the last of the Doctor's wounds. "Thank you." Therma nodded, clasped Martha's shoulder briefly, then left. She knew that Martha preferred to be alone with the Doctor once they had finished bathing him and changing the dressings on his wounds, and after what had happened, no Sigmafolion was likely to oppose the wishes of a Krigare. When Martha had first heard herself named Krigare and the TARDIS had translated it for her, she hadn't known whether to laugh or burst into tears. To be labelled a warrior was apparently a great honour on Meta Sigmafolio, but she felt it was undeserved. True, she had rescued the Doctor from the Cult of Tidherre, downing two of the scientists in the process, but that was just something she had done because it was necessary. As it was, the Cult had left the Doctor so badly injured that she was terrified that he would never fully recover. She and the Sheriffs had only just got to him in time; another few hours and the scientists would have deliberately injured him badly enough to induce a regeneration, simply for the sake of so-called scientific curiosity.
Martha forced her thoughts away from the Cult and its activities, and settled onto the chair beside the Doctor's bed. The Chief Healer, Alaunus, had suggested that she talk to the Doctor and remind him of things they had done together in the hope of bringing him back to himself, and she knew from her own medical training that this often worked with coma victims, so she took the Doctor's right hand in both of her own and thought about where to start.
"Do you remember going to see my mum after I agreed to go travelling with you again?" Martha asked.
Six months ago, Earth standard time.
The Doctor looked mildly alarmed at Martha's suggestion. "You want me to do what?" he asked, hoping he'd misheard.
"Come with me to see my mum, so I can tell her that I'm going travelling with you again."
No, he hadn't misheard. "Do I have to?" he asked, aware that he sounded whiny and hating himself for it. He was a Lord of Time, dammit! Human mothers should not terrify him, but they did. He tried pouting a bit at Martha, hoping she'd change her mind. "Why can't you just ring her and tell her, now I've jiggery-poked your new phone?"
"Because I want to see her, to reassure her that I'm going with you of my own free will," Martha answered calmly, ignoring his pouting bottom lip that wouldn't have looked out of place on a two year old.
"Well why don't you pop up on the train and I'll spend the day with Jack?" asked the Doctor, pleased at his brilliant, life-saving, or at least cheek-saving, plan.
"Because I don't want to spend four hours on the train going to London and back, I want to spend my time with you. The sooner we go and see my mum, the sooner you and I can be off causing trouble."
"Oi! I don't cause trouble!" the Doctor exclaimed hotly.
"Much," she answered, grinning at him.
He tried to glare at his Companion, but the mirth dancing in Martha's eyes was too contagious and he found himself grinning back.
"Go on, do your dancing with the TARDIS thing, and get us to London, then we can be off. I promise we won't stay more than an hour, tops." She nudged his shoulder with hers and the Doctor made a big show of sighing heavily, then sliding reluctantly off the Captain's chair to begin the process of dematerialisation. Martha grinning to herself. She'd decided that if she was going to travel with the Doctor again, it would be on her terms.
"I've got a feeling I'm about to become the first ever hen-pecked Time Lord," he observed.
"Oi! You start getting cheeky with me, mister, and I'll be the one slapping your cheek!"
He gave her a wide-eyed look and cradled his left cheek. "You wouldn't?"
"I might."
He shook his head and continued his 'dance' as Martha called it, turning dials, flicking switches, pulling levers, closing down the Gravitic Anomaliser, firing up the Helmic Regulator, then taking off the hand brake. "Right then, Doctor Jones, off we go!"
She grabbed at the back of the seat, knowing very well that she was in for a bumpy ride until they were in the Time Vortex. "You know, I'm still waiting for some TARDIS flying lessons," she said once the worst of the bumping and shuddering was over.
"Oh." He looked at her thoughtfully, running a hand through his hair. "Weeellll, I suppose I could at least show you how to get her into the Vortex", he conceded.
"Really?" asked Martha in surprise, remembering the last time she'd asked, shortly before she'd ended up in a swamp on the planet Sunday.
"Really," he answered, then gave a startled 'oomph' as she threw herself at him in a hug. He chuckled, then picked her up and swung her round in a circle, laughing as she laughed too, one hand clutching the back of his neck.
"Thank you." She kissed his cheek and he immediately shifted his grip so that he could kiss her properly. When he finally pulled away and set her back on her feet, Martha put her arms around him. "You better not kiss me like that in front of my mum," she observed thoughtfully.
"Why not?" he asked, reaching around her with his free hand to fiddle with something on the console as his other hand slid up her back under her shirt.
"Because, Mr Smith," she said, catching hold of his arm and pulling his hand away from her back to hold it in both of her own, "She might slap you again." Martha couldn't help grinning at the look of alarm that filled his brown eyes.
She nodded. "Let's take things one step at a time, OK? I think she'll be OK with me travelling with you again, but let's wait before we tell her that we're together."
"You're a wise young woman, Doctor Jones." The Doctor kissed the tip of her nose. "Hang on."
She let go of him and grabbed hold of one of the support struts on the console instead. They landed with a bump, but she kept her feet, which was a relief. Pulling on their coats, they went out into the street and Martha was mildly impressed to discover they had landed opposite her mum's house. The Doctor went to take Martha's arm, then remembered himself and changed his mind, rubbing nervously at the back of his neck instead. He considered going back inside the TARDIS, but he had the feeling that Martha would never forgive him if he did, so he followed her across the road and through the gate.
"Stop pulling on your ear," Martha whispered as she rang the doorbell. The Doctor snatched his hand away - he hadn't even been aware that he'd been tugging at his earlobe.
Francine Jones opened the door. "Martha!" She hugged her daughter hard and the Doctor smiled nervously at her, unaware that he'd taken two steps backwards at the sight of Martha's mother. Mother and daughter moved apart and Martha stepped through the door.
"Hello Mrs Jones." He held out his hand and she shook it, then shocked him by pulling him close and hugging him very briefly.
"Thank you," she said quietly in his ear before letting go of him again and turning to follow Martha inside. "Come in then."
The Doctor looked at Martha wide-eyed with surprise and she grinned at him. He followed her inside, deciding that mothers were a completely unpredictable species.
"I'd say you're forgiven," Martha said quietly as she led him into the sitting room.
"Tea?" called Francine from the kitchen.
"Yes please," they chorused as they sat down on the sofa. The Doctor surreptitiously slid his hand into Martha's and she squeezed his fingers briefly, smiling at him. He felt a sudden urge to kiss her, but contented himself with brushing a long strand of her hair from her eyes, suppressing an equally strong urge to play with her hair, which she'd put up in the spiky style he really liked.
Francine came in carrying a tray of tea things and the Doctor sprang up to take it from her, setting it on the coffee table. Martha exchanged a grin with her mother as Francine surrendered the tray.
"Am I to assume you're going off travelling with the Doctor again?" she asked once the tea was poured.
"Yeah. I thought it would be a change of pace, after working for Torchwood."
Francine nodded. "Just do your best to bring her back to me in one piece, please?" she asked the Doctor.
"I promise you, Mrs Jones, that I will always do my best to get Martha back safely."
"That's all I ask." She changed the subject, starting to tell Martha about her brother Leo's baby.
The Doctor managed to sit still for twenty minutes without fidgeting, but Martha could feel the tension in his arm as it pressed against hers and she skilfully wound up the conversation. They were back in the TARDIS a few minutes later. The Doctor blew his cheeks out with a sigh of relief, then threw his coat over the coral-like support beam near the doors and bounded up the ramp.
"Right then Doctor Jones, your first lesson in piloting the TARDIS starts here."
She pulled off her red leather jacket, then moved to stand beside him as he laced his fingers together, then cracked them outwards. He pulled her gently to stand in front of him and began to point out the various switches, dials and levers that were used to take the TARDIS into the Vortex.
"Don't worry if you don't remember them all the first time," he said, his breath tickling her ear as he stood behind her. Martha could feel the excitement thrumming through his body, and that he was aroused. She wasn't sure if it was her proximity or the prospect of flying the TARDIS that had him hard as he pressed his body against hers, but she suspected it had more to do with the TARDIS; she'd watched him caressing the console and murmuring to his ship often enough. Before they'd become lovers she'd been jealous of the TARDIS, but now she felt only affection for the ship. Besides, it was all he had left of his home. She reached out and stroked a hand slowly down the nearest support strut and felt a joyous hum in the back of her mind. She turned to the Doctor, astonished, and the look he gave her caused her a sudden rush of desire.
"Oh she likes you, Martha Jones, almost as much as I do." He caught her to him and kissed her hard, leaving her breathless, then he turned her around again and guided her hands over the console, telling her each part of the ignition sequence. "Hold on."
She held on and his arms reached around her to grasp the console as well, his body again pressed hard against hers. The TARDIS bumped and shook, then settled into a steady rhythm that meant they were in the Vortex.
"Where are we going?" Martha asked, looking up at the oscillating Time Rotor.
"Bedroom," growled the Doctor and he suddenly picked her up and carried her, giggling, to his room.
* * * * * *
Martha paused in her recounting to the Doctor, remembering their passionate love-making. He lay as still as ever, the machines that kept track of his vitals beeping quietly and steadily.
There was a quiet knock on the door, then Therma came in carrying a lunch tray. The young Sigmafolion seemed to revere Martha, which she found very disconcerting, but she tried to ignore the reverence as far as possible, responding in a natural manner whenever she could. Therma set the tray down on the nearby side table and Martha placed the Doctor's hand back on his bed, then moved to sit at the table. She tended to eat automatically whenever food was brought to her, knowing that she had to keep up her strength for the Doctor's sake, but having little real interest in what she was eating. Now she smelled soup and fresh bread, and suddenly realised she was hungry. Therma poured a mug of herbal tea for her; the blend had been recommended by the Chief Healer for its energising properties. He had seen that Martha was knowledgeable and capable in the matter of caring for the Doctor's health, and had guessed that she would stay at his side, so he'd given Therma specific directions about the best food and drink to serve Martha so that the Krigare might maintain her health and strength.
"You must love him very much," Therma observed as she watched Martha eating. She hadn't ventured to say anything before, but she hadn't failed to notice that Martha's feelings for the tall alien were very strong.
Martha nodded. "I do, but it's not just that I love him. The universe needs him since he's the last of the Time Lords. Unfortunately there's no one else who can assist me to help him get better. I wish he'd taken the time to teach me more about his biology and physiology." She tore the hunk of bread in her hands into pieces with a savagery that startled her.
"Perhaps - " Therma broke off and Martha looked at her questioningly. The young female spoke hesitantly. "Perhaps you could look at the data that the Cult gathered?" She shrugged eloquently. "We know that the Cult of Tidherre existed to study Time Lords, and you told me that they had done extensive 'tests' on the Doctor. Maybe their data will hold information that will assist you?"
Martha looked at the Sigmafolion in astonishment. "My God, you're right! I should have thought of that myself. Thank you Therma." She clutched Therma's hands tightly. "How can I get access to the data?"
Therma looked a little embarrassed but also pleased that her suggestion had been so well received. "You could ask the Chief Healer to request the information from the Bureau Chief - I cannot see them refusing to accede to your request. I will go and fetch Alaunus and you can ask him to make the request on your behalf." She hurried out and Martha resumed eating her lunch, feeling a little more optimistic for the first time in five days.
* * * * * *
Glossary of Names
Tidherre - Time Lord (Swedish)
Krigare - Warrior (Swedish)
Alaunus - Gaulish god of the sun, healing and prophecy in Celtic Mythology
Therma - Warm (Greek)