Title: Clone
Author: Persiflage_1
Characters/Pairings: Martha Jones
Rating: G
Spoilers: The Poison Sky
Summary: Martha meets her clone.
Disclaimer: I don't even own my brain any more, never mind Doctor Who!
Author Notes: This is the second of three fics the Bunny!Muses have insisted that I write after watching S4.05.
Martha stared in disbelief at her clone. Even though the alien in the blue armour had told her that they were cloning her, she hadn't really taken it in properly. And now there she was: wearing her clothes, and jewellery she suddenly noticed with a stab of anger. My ring. She had a quick flash of memory of the first time she had seen that ring, when Tom had proposed to her after her trip to Cardiff and before his trip to Africa.
She was only vaguely aware of the Doctor talking to her, though she did register with some surprise him pulling off his coat and putting it on her as he talked about needing to stop the Sontarans.
That's me, she thought as she crossed towards the clone, moving the Doctor's coat from around her legs so that she could crouch down in front of herself. That's me, and I'm dying, and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it. I - She shouldn't be here. My memories were keeping her alive - and if she's alive, I'm not, not really, not if I'm unconscious and hooked up to a machine, like a weird sort of coma patient.
She couldn't help reaching out to the clone.
"Don't touch me," she gasped, and Martha tried not to recoil at the venom in that voice that sounded like hers but wasn't.
She wanted to hold her though, to offer the comfort of another person's touch, because if she had been dying, she'd want to be held. And she'd held so many people as they'd died, either at the hospital, or when she'd been walking the Earth back when the Master had been in charge. Comforting the dying was practically normal for her, but now she could only watch, even as she urged the clone to give her the information about the Sontarans' gas, information they desperately needed if her family, and the whole world, was going to survive.
Please Martha, help me. You're dying anyway, and there's nothing I can do about that, but please let me live. I've still got so much to do.