HP Meme

Jan 31, 2010 14:33

Ganked from pir8fancier...

01. The first character I fell in love with: Snape.

02. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Dumbledore, because I have so much respect for how he overcame his own personal demons. Also, for how he so cleverly screwed with everyone's minds.

03. The character (most) everyone else loves that I don't: Sirius. ( Read more... )

harry potter, meme

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Comments 18

younglizbeth January 31 2010, 22:30:42 UTC
Sirius. He's such a bully to the very end, and as a former bullied kid, I can't stand that in a person.
How the hell can you like Snape, then?! He's just as much of a bully! And even worse than Sirius, he's a bully towards innocent kids when he's in a position of authority and power. Ugh. Sorry, I just hate that guy so much!!!! But you already knew that!

I'm also disappointed in you for wanting to screw Ron, haha! I hate that guy, too!!


persepolis130 January 31 2010, 23:19:44 UTC
I hate Ron too! I don't know what my issue is!!!

You and I will just have to agree to disagree on the Snape-is-awesome thing. But at least we can agree that he should keep his clothes on.


younglizbeth February 1 2010, 00:13:25 UTC
LOL, so Ron is that guy you can't stand, and yet you're really attracted to at the same time! They were talking about that on the radio the other day, so I guess it's a fairly common problem!

I totally agree with you about Snape keeping his clothes on!!! I think, if he ever decided to step foot in a bathtub, he would bathe with his robes on.


persepolis130 February 1 2010, 00:24:05 UTC
For everyone's safety, I pray that no bathtubs are involved. (Think of the children!!!!)

Why am I attracted to people who are completely incompatible with me? This is a serious issue. I may need psychiatric intervention. Or maybe just some smutty fanficiton. Yes, I vote for Draco in a bathtub!


prue84 January 31 2010, 22:54:30 UTC
Interesting meme. ** Unfortunately I read the books before Order even came out and I only remember bits of the Order soo... I can't make my own one.
But I can say I'm with you for your hate regarding Sirius! Snape to me is just a man who's bullying kids because he has been bullied himself at their same age, so I can understand him *loves Snape*, when Sirius has just been a cocky bully and I'm always against bullies (having been bullied myself too... ._.)

... ohh well, I'm in love with Lucius, so I should just shut up... :X


persepolis130 January 31 2010, 23:20:57 UTC
Oh, Lucius! *swoon!*

There are just too many amazing HP characters! I can't fully express my adoration for them all!


younglizbeth February 1 2010, 00:35:22 UTC
Snape to me is just a man who's bullying kids because he has been bullied himself at their same age, so I can understand him

I always felt that, if you are bullied as a child and understand just how awful bullying is, why the hell would you revel in bullying other people? I understand that this does happen in real life, but I don't understand how Snape gets some sort of free pass because he's "damaged."

To me, a bully is a bully is a bully. They're all jerks, regardless of how they became bullies.


prue84 February 1 2010, 02:03:12 UTC
Logically speaking, you're right :) but, you know, we humans are just an illogical bunch of people! (sorry, my language as been recently infected by Star Trek's Vulcanian speach ^^")
I'm not saying Snape is right when bulling the kids or Harry specifically, but I can understand why he started doing this in the first place. I always wondered why Dumbledore allowed him to have such behaviour towards non-Slytherin students. :-/


dorkyhobbit February 1 2010, 01:41:59 UTC
I just really want to bitch slap Ron! That is all :)

(Oh, and Snape should keep his robes on--even in the shower! He's just gross.)

P.S. Snercy?! *Barf*


persepolis130 February 1 2010, 02:12:58 UTC
Is Snercy worse than Snucius?


younglizbeth February 1 2010, 22:19:36 UTC
Good question! I would order it this way:

Snucius>Snercy>>>>>>>>Snagrid. Hehehehe.


persepolis130 February 1 2010, 22:38:57 UTC
Nope, I disagree. Snucius = fail.


Wow, this whole thing is really disturbing, isn't it?


hp_lover86 February 8 2010, 00:50:38 UTC
loved your list. pretty hilarious


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