Drabble: Proof Reading

Jan 06, 2010 18:29

Title: Proof Reading
Word Count: 200
Genre: FPS
Characters/Pairing: Dan/Jones
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Don't own them and sadly never will. No profit - all for fun.
Author's Comments: First submission for boosh_shorts Challenge 12: Writer's Choice

“Have you finished reading it yet?”

“Yeah sorry mate, wrapped it up last night.”

Dan groans, “What did you think of it?”

“Didn’t like it,” Jones frowns.

“Any particular reason?” Dan asks quietly as Jones sits closer to him.

“That flouncy character, the loud one with the crazy hair, he’s a bloody moron he is! S’obvious how his best mate feels about him, why don’t he see they love each other? It’s well frustrating!”

A smile inches onto Dan’s face, “Did the main character remind you of anyone?”

Jones looks hesitant and nods slowly. “Well... he’s a bit like you...”

“And who’s my best mate?” Dan presses.

“Me.” Jones looks confused then something in his brain finally clicks. “Oh...” his eyes look glazed over, before his pupils dilate and go wide. “Oh! Then that means you... fancy me.”

Dan’s face twists in what Jones always mistook for disgust, only now realising it was actually embarrassment.

“Do you really fancy me Dan?”

Dan stares at him.

‘Dan never stares, he can’t hold eye contact for more than three seconds. He digs you Jones.’

Jones softly places his hand over Dan’s and curls their fingers together and Dan squeezes his hand tighter.

fic, booshshorts, pairing: dan/jones, drabble

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