ZOMG it's a log!

Jan 15, 2007 02:38

No characters can see this log

Who: Ichigo and Rukia and Fluffy McFlufferson

Where: Ichigo's room

When: A day or two after the New Year's disaster party

What: Rukia's wound tight and Ichigo tries to help

Rated: NC-17 PG for sleepycomfort

And now for some fluff! )

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Comments 13

hex_you_up January 15 2007, 08:19:35 UTC


hex_you_up January 15 2007, 08:20:00 UTC
Speaking of which. I never found the bit about Ichigo and Rukia snogging, where's that? :3


perpetualscowl January 15 2007, 08:27:05 UTC
you mean the snogging that was referenced in this log? that's on the new years eve party post--it's under one of the mistletoe subjects, it says "public"--i can link you if you want but it'll take me a sec



hex_you_up January 15 2007, 08:29:22 UTC
THAT ONE! :333 I'm a fluffaddict, I can't help myself. XD

That thing TERRFIES me. If you happen to know where it is that would be AWESOME.


notshirochan January 15 2007, 11:22:05 UTC
These two are so adorable :3


petit_shinigami January 15 2007, 17:37:23 UTC
You have no idea. Just wait until the birthday log. >.>

I am the biggest sapbucket that ever did sap. And D'Arcykins just takes the sap and gooooooooes. Hence our logs. :||


perpetualscowl January 15 2007, 18:50:21 UTC


RANDOM COMMENT FTW i_hate_skorts January 17 2007, 06:39:16 UTC

Sorry, I can't see you on AIM so I figured that I should leave a comment SOMEWHERE so that I didn't forget, which I'm very prone to doing. >.>

SO RIGHT I'm not sure if you know, but Rukia-mun and I are working on a log with her and Pride/Ed. AND since Ed, for some reason, doesn't like walking around in skimpy clothes (GO FIGURE), Rukia borrowed some Ichigo's for him (he has the sleeves and pant legs rolled up AHAHHAHHAHAAAHAHHA). SO I was gonna have Ed make a post with a little message to Ichigo that he needed to give him back his clothes since he's heading back to Rizenbul for a bit, but of course I didn't want you to wake up and see it and be all "OMGWTFGODMODDERDIE" so I figured I should at least warn you. >.>

And, of course, if you have anything against Ed making the post then he won't and we can all move on with our lives. I just thought it might give him the chance to interact with more people since . . . he's a non-reaching-out-to-people-he-doesn't-know little bean. DDD:


Re: RANDOM COMMENT FTW i_hate_skorts January 17 2007, 06:41:11 UTC

You can reach me at FullMetal FLIK on AIM if you need to, or just comment here or WHATEVER YOUR LOVELY HEART DESIRES. :D


Re: RANDOM COMMENT FTW perpetualscowl January 17 2007, 13:20:54 UTC
Post away my friend!! Of course I'd have no problem with that, it sounds like fun. Does Ichigo know that Rukia's meeting with these dudes cuz I can kinda see him being like ".....and *why* do you have my clothes?" but that's up to you.

Yeah, i went to bed early last night cuz I haven't been feeling well and I have work to go to--I won't be back online until 6 or so (EST) but once i get back Ichigo will comment on Ed's post!!! See you then! XD


Re: RANDOM COMMENT FTW i_hate_skorts January 17 2007, 13:59:26 UTC
Awww man, looks like I just missed you. DD:

As far as Ichigo knowing, I think that's up to you and Rukia-mun. She wasn't really meeting up with them, per se, so much as she just kind of happened along Pride trying to kill someone and then he changed back into Ed and she was all, "*Takes him back to Ichigo's dad's clinic and steals clothes for him*" >.>

No worries, I understand. EVERYONE is getting sick including me. x.X But I shall go have Ed post now and talk to you later! :DD ♥


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