
May 13, 2009 14:30

Writer's block continues! Where have you gone, ability to form almost-coherent sentences?


Meme stolen from omnipresentdmat

If you want to play, it works like this:
1. Visit the master list, select your favorite 100
2. Post your favorite 100 behind a cut in your LJ (or if you can’t pick 100, as many as you can without going over)
3. Your f-list’s job is to write you “comment pr0n” for your favorites. (Which you can ignore, as I don't expect people to write for me when I can't even write for me. LOL) And yes, bold for extra favorites. XD

1. Accidental stimulation (proximity and friction; involuntary arousal; situations of adrenaline and reflexes)
2. Alpha males (alpha/beta male pairings; alpha/alpha pairings; het alpha males)
3. Anal sex (face to face, from behind, bottom riding top; standing; bent over desk; gay or straight; girl-on-boy with strap-on; girl-on-girl with strap-on)
4. Anti-heroes (sympathetic villains; villains with principles; noble demons; enemies who keep their word)
5. Attention (singling someone out; treating someone specially in front of others; making a point of showing respect to or interest in someone who doesn't usually receive it; observing, studying, or analyzing someone to understand them)
6. Beauty (movie-star looks; unearthly beauty; a character who is highly desired by many others; beauty as a barrier to approachability or as a cause for comparison and insecurity)
7. Boys (pretty boys; bishounen/bishonen; boyish types; pocket-sized cuties; puppies; Persian Boy characters; houseboys or stable-boys; toyboys) Hello, JE.
8. Canon (canon elements/canonicity heightens characterization or scenario) (If I could double bold this, I WOULD.)
9. Catalysts (e.g., character A shows interest in character B, which makes character C realize how hot B is; or other catalytic events bringing about such an epiphany)
10. Charisma (see Powers of attraction) (HI TEGO.)
11. Children (i.e., as their presence reflects on a character, e.g., tough men gently holding babies; men who are/aren't good with kids; devoted single dads; Ripley characters/scenarios; pregnancy) Oh god, Kenpachi.
12. Conflicts and challenges (war and combat in general; sieges; Die Hard scenarios; jousting; gladiatorial games; wrestling and sparring; duels of honor; bets and sports competitions; romantic rivalries; seduction viewed as a challenge; misunderstandings and fights; break-ups; traded insults; stormy relationships; family strife; personality clashes; cultural differences; philosophical disagreements)
13. Cross-dressing (forced or voluntary; drag queens or transvestites; see also Gender themes) AGAIN, I blame JE.
14. Cuddling (see Touch) (I am so boring. WTF)
15. Domesticity (moving in together; nesting; shopping; building a family or meeting the family; getting a cat or dog; kidfic) (Oh god I am so guilty of loving this for Bleach fandom.)
16. Double penetration (anal, vaginal, or oral) (Again I blame Tego. Because if anyone could... well, he and Yamapi could. Sluts.
17. Enemies working together
18. Ensembles (elite teams of explorers, spies, law enforcement figures, etc; sentai; military squadrons; skilled teams operating like clockwork, such as when pulling off a heist; bands of rebels; families; surrogate families; outcasts, e.g., freaks and geeks; carnival troupes; motley characters thrown together by fate; alternatives to society e.g., Robin Hood and his Merry Men, Peter Pan and the Lost Boys; see also Witnesses)
19. First times (first time between two individuals; losing virginity/cherry; first time doing a particular act; first time with a particular gender)
20. Fish out of water characters/scenarios
21. Flirting (conscious or unconscious; with glances or touches; banter)
22. Friction or frottage (naked or clothed; masturbatory or with partner; cocks rubbing together; tribadism; intercrural sex; someone rubbing off on sheets while giving head or being fucked; itchiness and scratching; chafing clothes; friction while on horseback or riding a motorcycle; accidental contact)
23. Friendship and affection (gestures of friendship; epic friendships a la Gilgamesh/Enkidu or Alexander/Hephaistion; friendship as pre-slash)
24. Friendship sex or buddy-sex (fuck buddies)
25. Future fic
26. Geeks and nebbishes (Peter Parker or Clark Kent characters; computer geeks; lab rats; nerds; intellectuals; personal secretaries; beta males; sidekicks; men in glasses; oddballs and eccentrics) (HI SHIGE.)
27. Geek/jock pairings
28. Gentleness (tenderness; kindness; concern; gentle natures; characters who display sensitivity to fearful children, animals, the weak, etc; gentle responses at unexpected moments) (HI KOYAMA.)
29. Good boys (law enforcement figures; gentlemen; characters who prompt a desire to corrupt or provoke them, or to get them dirty; priests; prim schoolteachers; angels; nice guys; virtue and nobility in general)(HI NEWS.)
30. Happiness (startled joy; passionate gratitude; ecstasy; comfort; happy endings) (Sucker. That is me.)
31. Heroic gestures (nobility; self-sacrifice; risking self to save someone's life; Gift of the Magi scenarios; taking the partner's place for torture; trading sexual favors to guards to procure food or medicine for partner; heroic deaths)
32. Homosocial environments (i.e., all-male or all-female, such as prisons or harems) (OR JE.)
33. Humor (funny banter, screwball comedy, etc)
34. Humor as a mask (characters who hide pain behind humor)
35. Ice princesses, snow queens (cold characters who may or may not succumb to melting; need not be female) (THIS IS TOTALLY BYAKUYA'S FAULT. And why I love Ice Princess+Bad Boy pairing. YES.)
36. Intelligence (quick wit; street smarts; Machiavellian cleverness; Sherlock Holmesian deductive powers; geniuses; experts; criminal masterminds; see also Special powers and skills; Geeks and nebbishes) (I personally think Kenpachi's intelligence is some of the hottest out there but that just may be me...)
37. Journeys (odysseys and quests; time-travel; being lost and trying to get home; road trips; pioneering and exploration, including space travel)
38. Lady and the Tramp pairings (see also Rough behavior; Rogues) (There's My KenxBya. And I guess sort of MakioxJun.)
39. Messiness and markers of arousal (mussed hair; flushed cheeks; swollen mouth; displaying bite marks or hickeys; clothes in disarray; sprawling; come-spattered skin)
40. Mistaken for gay (character A concludes that character B is gay based on spurious evidence, e.g., overhearing and misinterpreting a conversation; may also believe that character has a crush on him; or an ensemble believes two characters are gay and together ; other similar scenarios)
41. Misunderstood (i.e., he's not really ____, he's just misunderstood) (HI MIKIO.)
42. Multiple partners (sequential/serial sexual encounters; orgies, gang-bangs, or group sex; puppy-pile cuddling; see also Sexual appetite or excess) (NEWSxNEWS is still my OTP)
43. Names and address (endearments: sweetheart, honey, mine; nicknames: chief, kid, sport; terms that assert power: boy, cunt; insulting terms that may hide some affection: monkey-boy, Your Worshipfulness, you big furry oaf; using someone's name as a sign of intimacy; using only formal modes of address: Sir, Major)
44. Neck fetishization (nape of the neck, throat, hickeys, etc)
45. Orientation issues (confusion; discovery and coming out; self-hatred; two-beer queers; homosexual panic)
46. Pampering (spoiling someone rotten with gifts or money; physical pampering such as massage and grooming; giving someone a novel or unexpected degree of emotional or sexual care; catering to someone's every whim, e.g., someone who is in the hospital; harems as settings for pampering) (HI AGAIN TEGO.)
47. Penance or reform (bad boy turns good; evil seeks to change; performing acts of atonement or restitution; self-mortification; martyrdom; selflessness; apologies or apology sex) (See also Ha Ha Bros and/or Ezra.)
48. Preferential treatment (e.g., making a point of showing respect towards someone when no one else does; showing a soft side only to them) (HI RYOxTEGO.)
49. Pretending to be gay (cops or spies going undercover; a charade to deflect unwanted attention from a stranger; a ruse to avoid ritual marriage to aliens)
50. Protectiveness (physically or verbally defending someone; caretaking in general; big guy/little guy pairings; bodyguard scenarios; mysterious benefactors or protectors)
51. Pushy bottom
52. Rogues (outlaws, highwaymen, mercenaries, pirates, gangsters, hitmen, etc; black sheep and royal bastards; Han Solo characters; tricksters; see also Violent and dark natures and Rough behavior)
53. Roughnecks (cowboys; Tarzan figures; relatedly rough characteristics and behavior, such as scruffiness, rudeness, crude language, uncouth habits, etc; see also Lady and the Tramp pairings; Primitivism; Rogues) (HI ELEVENTH DIVISION.)
54. Sandwich sexual position or chain fuck (threesome)
55. Sex in public or semi-public places (Stages? Do stages count?)
56. Sex on, against, or under furniture (Tego+Wall)
57. Sex standing up (including against a wall) (Oh wait, there you are.)
58. Sexual movements (back arching; hips lifting; thrusting back; writhing, jerking, bucking; clenching; grinding or rocking; trembling or shivering; hooking legs around shoulders; pressing someone's legs back toward the bed; riding someone's fingers)
59. Sharing (sharing a beer bottle, joint, or bucket of popcorn; loaning someone clothes; a character letting someone stay in their home; sharing confidences; sharing a woman)
60. Situational homosexuality (JE!)
61. Sleep and bedding themes (sharing a bed by necessity, such as in a hotel with only one room left; sharing a sleeping bag for warmth; sex while drowsy or sleeping; sex as a sleep aid; autonomic arousal from proximity; morning wake-up sex, falling asleep against someone's shoulder; watching someone sleep; dreams; nightmares; dream lovers, e.g., succubi; exotic or romantic beds, e.g., canopied; furs as bedding; silk sheets)
62. Smarm (intense friendship with physical closeness but no actual sex)
63. Smiles or laughing
64. Snark
65. Special powers and skills (superhero powers; magical powers; telekinesis; shapeshifting; hyperdeveloped senses; combat expertise; sharpshooting; eidetic memory; computer hacking skills; thief skills; temporary gifts of power from drugs, alien devices, etc, repercussions of which could include delusions of godhood, dangerous physical or mental overload, and so on)
66. Sports themes and fetishization (sports rivalries; uniforms and jock-straps; wrestling and sweaty exertion in general; locker-room or shower scenes; team gang-bangs; swimmer/surfer body types; pool and billiards games) (ahaha Eyeshield)
67. Threesomes (M/F/M, M/M/M, etc) (Didn't we cover this already.)
68. Topping from the bottom
69. Touching (stroking and caressing; cuddling or nuzzling; huddling for warmth; hugging; holding hands in public; touching as UST; brief brushes of contact either deliberate or accidental; PDAs; thighs brushing under a table; comic physical entanglements; someone gripping a wounded character's hand)
70. Toughness (machismo or hyper-masculinity; physical stamina; a hard surface covering an inner softie; resolve; survival skills; teeth-gritting acts such as pulling an arrow out of one's own thigh, etc; see also Rough behavior; Bad boys, etc)
71. Triangulation of desire (two men express their desire for each other through a female intermediary; sexual rivalry for a woman is actually homoerotic interest)
72. Trust and vows (promises are kept or broken; loyalty or betrayal; absolute trust or doubt; fidelity or infidelity; blindfolds or bondage as trust symbols; commitment or fear of commitment; acts of devotion; marriage vows; unconditional love; blood brothers and oaths; showing trust/faith in someone's abilities)
73. Well-fucked (being fucked out; fuck-dazed; sated and sleepy; wrecked; softened and debauched)
74. Witnesses (families, friends, or others watch the development of a relationship; play matchmaker or serve as confidants; think the characters are involved when they're really not; constitute the public eye; disapprove, gossip, give advice; are the audience for a coming out drama; are witnesses to such things as flirting, public arousal, public sex)
75. Worry (one character worrying anxiously about another; going crazy with worry) (HI AGAIN KOYAMA.)
76. Trapped or stranded together (on another world; on a desert island; in a cave-in; in a cabin during a snowstorm; in an elevator)
77. Temperamental personalities (driven or obsessed; hot-tempered or testy; moody; misanthropic or bitter; abrasive)
78. Teasing or tickling
79. Sixty-nine (69) (HAHA SHUUHEI)
80. Shower sex
81. Sex is interrupted
82. Scent as an erotic element
83. Secret admirers
84. Rescue (danger and rescue in general, e.g., abductions)
85. Public displays of affection, PDAs (Lap sitting? XD)
86. Prostate pleasure
87. Possessiveness or jealousy
88. Physical responses (face or ears burning; little hairs lifting on the scalp or neck; gut tightening; pulse quickening or missing a beat; lashes fluttering or lids growing heavy; mouth coming open; dick or pussy throbbing)
89. Music (singing; playing an instrument such as guitar or piano; composers; rock stars or bands; groupies; song lyrics)
90. Muscled bodies
91. Military fetishization (competence; guns, knives, and other weapons; uniforms, dog-tags, thigh-holsters, etc; authority; soldiers and rebels; paramilitary figures such as cops; brothers in arms as a romantic concept)
92. Masquerade (a character pretends to be someone else, or something he's not, e.g., a nebbishy nerd must convince goons he's a ruthless arms dealer or assassin; a cop goes undercover in prison; a spy infiltrates an agency; a good guy pretends to be his AU evil twin; Cyrano scenarios)
93. Marriage (of arrangement, convenience, or necessity; accidental marriage; group marriage; traditional marriage or partnership ceremony)
94. Magical themes (love spells; magical characters or creatures; magical lands or settings; predictions; curses; possession; fairytales; magical girls; see also Special powers and skills)
95. Love/hate relationship
96. Love and passion (falling in love; love at first sight; one true love; eternal love; unconditional love; star-crossed lovers; tempestuous passions)
97. Intimacy
98. Humiliation (erotic or non-erotic) (Wow I guess this survey explains my love of Shige.)
99. Heat (hot lazy summer days; steamrooms; sweat-slick skin; tempers rising with the heat; urgent fucking a la Body Heat)
100. Foreplay

Wow that was difficult. LOL On the first pass I only had about 75. Also, I am clearly very boring.

Anyway! To do this week:

1. Clean kitchen
3. Buy nice clothes for bro's graduation? MOM INSISTS. SOB.
4. Pack for RI.
5. Finish my food. >>
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