fic: Sugar and Spike and Everything Nice; that’s what little boys are made of. (12/?)

Sep 28, 2010 12:31

Title: Sugar and Spike and Everything Nice; that’s what little boys are made of.

Rating: R

Genre: Romance, Comedy

Pairing: Buffy/Spike from BtVS

Summary: In an attempt to lend a helping hand, a spell by Willow goes awry and leaves Buffy with an unexpected, but quite adorable handful.

Disclaimer: All publically recognisable characters, settings, etc. are ( Read more... )

spuffy, fic, sugar and spike and everything nice

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Comments 22

maddie2927 September 28 2010, 02:44:21 UTC
squeee! I was about to go get something to eat but I saw this and I stopped and read and yayy I loved it. but now there has to be food in my belly so I'm going to go do that, and then I'll leave a real comment!


peroxidelove September 28 2010, 11:01:38 UTC
Hehe :) Well, I'm very happy that you enjoyed this chappie! This was such a cute comment! Thank you!


maddie2927 September 28 2010, 14:33:42 UTC
Okay. real comment time. Ohh, Spike! He really is such a sweet kid, and thinking he's being punished for biting that girl? Breaks my hearts! and of course there's Xander being a big poophead, but I'm sure he'll get over it later, he's good about those kinds of things. And Buffy! I feel like this is really turning into something that's she holding onto soso tightly, that she needs his redemption to feel better about her own life. The way she so vehemently defends him to Xander is pretty telling, and I think also she likes being needed in a way that doesn't involve life-threatening situations and needing to slay things, he just needs her in a Buffy way and not in a Slayer way, but instead of just putting pressure he gives so much back to her too you know? haha of course you know, it's your story.

Sorry for the run-on sentences, I have to go hide from the grammar police. I'll be back for the next chapter though! haha =)


peroxidelove September 29 2010, 07:03:56 UTC
I absolutely adore your comments! I just want to give the computer screen a hug! At this point, Spike is very much still his William personality-- so yeah, he feels a lot of guilt and emotion and teenage angst about....well, everything!

And you summed up Buffy's feelings perfectly! (You're so good at that!) I feel bad about the next transition when he'll turn back to normal and she'll basically lose him, but who knows...Buffy always fights for what she wants and what she thinks is true.

Haha, thank you so much for commenting again! Not to worry, I am also a fugitive from the grammar police :S


pekopekotabetai September 28 2010, 03:24:09 UTC
YOU TOLD ME I HAD TO WAIT ANOTHER DECADE!! Haha lies you lies!!! Ahhh such an exciting chapter!!!! See, I knew you could do it!!

Poor Spike though!!! Hope he'll be okay! Don't be too TOO sadistic? Psssh that's what love to do, torture them. Loved the last few lines! And then I got to the very last line and it was like AWWWWWW poor Buffy. Yes, of course she'll get her Spike back!! Otherwise I'm going to grr at you :D No harm intended, of course.


peroxidelove September 28 2010, 11:11:54 UTC
Hee :) You commentededed! Thank you! It was a short decade! Now I have to go stress about the next chapter :/ I think it may be quite a big one, but I'm not actually sure...

I'll be nicer to him in the next chapter, but then I think he may end up in pain again. Ahaaa. Lol this is so strange, I can't believe you're reading my story! Teeheees :)


whichclothes September 28 2010, 04:33:57 UTC
Yay! An update! Poor pained Spike.


peroxidelove September 28 2010, 11:00:32 UTC
Hee :) Yeah, this one's definitely been a long time coming! Sorry about the wait! Thank you so much for reading and commenting!


sarian71 September 28 2010, 07:14:08 UTC
Poor, poor Spike... I hate that chip and the pain it causes to him! :´(

*sigh* I'm feeling extra bad for Spike, because I'm having a headache myself right now. Stupid cross-stitching, studid shoulders... *grumbles*


peroxidelove September 28 2010, 11:05:47 UTC
Aww, I hope your headache subsides soon! Headaches are the worst. I think I'll be extra nice to him in the next chappie :) I can't stand it when he's in pain.
Thank you so much for commenting and being so lovely!


kudagirl September 28 2010, 16:12:08 UTC
This is why I have so many problems with Xander. Grrr!!! I know he is Buffy's friend,but he really does have a fixation on hating certain beings. Not saying he doesn't have good reason, but he refuses to accept that people change. Maybe because he is stuck himself. Xander's world view is very black and white.

I was wondering if the chip would suddenly appear. Seems it is and is giving Spike a great deal of pain. Maybe this will encourage Buffy to help him get rid of it.


peroxidelove September 29 2010, 06:57:49 UTC
Yep, black and white world. That's very much our Xander! *evil laugh* If all goes according to plan he'll be in a world of shock in one of the coming chapters! Baha, it'll be great.

Thank you for reading and commenting and being overall, so lovely and sweet@


kudagirl September 29 2010, 12:30:26 UTC
*rubs hands together* Pain for Xander. Always good for me.

Yep, I'm evol. The characters need the pain because without it how could they know how wonderful things are when life is good. Happiness has to be earned. And suffering is so much fun for us to read. *wink*


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