fic: Sugar and Spike and Everything Nice; that's what little boys are made of. (7/?)

Aug 03, 2010 09:17

Title: Sugar and Spike and Everything Nice; that’s what little boys are made of.

Rating: R

Genre: Romance, Comedy

Pairing: Buffy/Spike from BtVS

Summary: In an attempt to lend a helping hand, a spell by Willow goes awry and leaves Buffy with an unexpected, but quite adorable handful.

Disclaimer: All publically recognisable characters, settings, etc. are ( Read more... )

spuffy, fic, sugar and spike and everything nice

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Comments 10

diebirchen August 2 2010, 23:29:41 UTC
Have I mentioned that I reeeeeally enjoy this story? :-)


peroxidelove August 3 2010, 09:58:52 UTC
Hee :) You're the sweetest! I am so glad that you do!


amyxaphania August 2 2010, 23:31:50 UTC
Oh! Twelve-year-old Spike, I wasn't expecting that. But aww--he's adorable, too.


peroxidelove August 3 2010, 10:02:33 UTC
Ooh! I'm happy it came as a bit of a surprise! Spike is always adorable! Thank you so much for commenting!


kudagirl August 3 2010, 11:12:01 UTC
Oh, that was a bit scary. Please that everyone is so understanding of his needs. Buffy is learning compassion for Spike. That is huge. Their relationship will improve once he is back to being his adult self. Can't wait for him to hit puberty.


peroxidelove August 3 2010, 12:06:04 UTC
I did want to shake things up a bit with some drama/danger. Yep! Buffy's all compassion nowadays, she's very much just following her gut instincts in how she's chosen to look after him. Hah! I like how you think! I've had a huge chunk of puberty!Spike written out for a while now, actually. I can't wait to share it with you! Hopefully you'll get a laugh out of it :)


maddie2927 August 3 2010, 13:27:17 UTC
I love these. They're so sweet and great and they always brighten my life =)
You're doing such a good job writing young!Spike, like how when he's younger he's super sweet and then he gets older and he's still super sweet but he tries to hide it. And then he's gonna be all 18 and kind of pervy and is it wrong that I'm a little excited? probably.


peroxidelove August 7 2010, 03:36:51 UTC
Aww, well aren't you just an absolute sweetie :) Thank you so much for this gorgeous comment, it made me all blush-y, just like your icon! And it means so much to me that I'd be able to add a bit of sparkle to your day with an update!

*flails* I'm so excited for teenager!Spike! I'm hoping it'll be a blast! And I can't wait to see what everyone makes of him :D

Thank you again!


sarian71 August 3 2010, 14:41:41 UTC
It's interesting how this spell works differently for Spike than everyone else. Looking forward to see how it works out in the end.

Whew, that was a close call! I'm glad Buffy was all right afterwards. At least there was important lesson to be learned for both of them.


peroxidelove August 7 2010, 03:32:05 UTC
Thank you for your comment lovely one! Hee, yes, I am still working on the finer technicalities of the spell but it will have had its consequences by the time we reach the end.

That was indeed the moral of the chapter! Lessons for all! But will they give them any heed? *gasps* Who knows?!


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