Title: A New Day Dawning
Universe: Bleach
Theme/Topic: Dawn
Rating: PG
Character/Pairing/s: Ikkaku,Kira (light Ikkira and Shuumi if you want to see it), Yumichika, Shuuhei, Renji, Iba, Yachiru Kenpachi
Warnings/Spoilers: Spoilers for the SS arc.
Word Count: 1,857
Summary: Kira makes a New Year’s resolution-eleventh division style.
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Comments 21
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... XD Actually, I'm wondering how a swords battle between he and Ikkaku would come out. Seeing as Ikkaku's bankai is this huge whopping thing, after all, and like. XD He's supposedly really strong? And Kira's sword just doubles the weight, wonder how long it'd last... 8D <-mangaspoilerish. XD
... XD; Hm, though:
He’d somehow managed to destroy his the vast majority of his bitterness after all <-onetoomany? XD
*laughing* I read this a few days ago and still managed to completely miss that this was my request until tonight.
So my apologies for being clueless!
But! But, but!
This is supremely good. It makes me very, very happy because you write everyone so, so well and so in-character, and I never question what's going on because it all makes sense in a very Bleach-y way.
No longer the warm memory it had been, instead Izuru felt something angry come over him when he thought about it.
And he punched Ikkaku right in the face.
And first I squee'd and then I LAUGHED MY ASS OFF. Yay~yay~yay~! It would delight me to no end to see Kira pop someone in the face in canon. With luck, Gin...but really, anyone would do because it would be great no matter what.
Thank you muchly! This is wonderful!
LOL and no worries, I don't keep tabs on feedbacks. XD I'm pretty clueless most of the time myself. XD
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