Ouran/Love Mode- "Ouran Academy Guest Lecturers Series- Foreign Literature in Translation"

Aug 20, 2006 00:44

Title: Ouran Academy Guest Lecturers Series- Foreign Literature in Translation (Takamiya Katsura)
Universe: Ouran High School Host Club/Love Mode
Theme/Topic: N/A
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing/s: mentions of TakamiyaxIzumi, splashes of MorixHoney and HikaruxKaoru (as, I hope, they are in the anime), and pretty much just…everyone.
Warnings/ ( Read more... )

haruhi, kyouya, hikaru, hikaruxkaoru, benibara, mori, lobelia, morixhoney, maihara, aoe, love mode, ouran, kaoru, takamiyaxizumi, renge, tsuwabaki, twins, tamaki, honey

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Comments 46

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peroxidepest17 August 20 2006, 16:49:12 UTC
Jin is totally a perv. XD But you know, the twins are pervs too, so it might just be fun for them. Or something. XD


from jeina anonymous August 21 2006, 01:12:13 UTC
actually, i dont think the twins would be too good around jin or clients because they seem so protective of each other XP


Re: from jeina peroxidepest17 August 21 2006, 05:55:21 UTC
I think they'd be good at putting on the show but not good at actually...putting out the goods. XD


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peroxidepest17 August 20 2006, 16:49:41 UTC
Ahaha typos at 1am= an artform for me, I guess. Thanks for the catch! ^_^


aishuu August 20 2006, 15:05:05 UTC
*dies laughing* Utter, utter love, especially the part about Aoe's thoughts on the twins, and the whole Lobelia girls.

You need to come up with a kick-ass female for the series now.


peroxidepest17 August 20 2006, 16:56:56 UTC
Oh man, I totally do, don't I? I guess my interests are just skewed series-wise or something. XD Hmm...the only ones that come to mind right now are Yuuko and Sana's mother from Kodocha, but I never got far enough in either series to know enough about the characters...

Well. I suppose I'll just have to think on it a bit more. ^^


dreamoflight August 20 2006, 18:43:53 UTC
One correction: (all she could make out was the “Se magnifique!!” part) should be c'est magnifique instead. But otherwise... I think this was my favorite one so far, and I don't even know the series that Takamiya is from. xD


peroxidepest17 August 20 2006, 19:01:59 UTC
Haha my brother told me the lines verbally so I didn't know how to spell it. Thanks!


kalamitykat August 20 2006, 21:38:00 UTC
I ♥ you so, so much.

This was wonderful, and so, so in character. Takamiya is hopeless. Izumi calling him, being all jealous, and Takamiya talking to Aoe... Awwwwwwwwwwwww. This was so much love. ♥

And yes, I have to say Kyouya and Aoe would either get along very well, or hate each other's guts. :D

Though I have to say Muraki-sensei part scared me. A lot. Eek. >_<

But all in all, it was love. Thank you so much for sharing. ♥


peroxidepest17 August 21 2006, 05:54:28 UTC
Haha I think Muraki's was very fun to write because of the evil but generally I think that was the one that everyone was more creeped out than amused by. XD I guess it's just my sick sense of humor that thought it would be kind of funny if such a sinister presence was kind of-- made to be silly in such an outlandish environment as that of Ouran. XD

This one was fun to write too though, mostly because I didn't think too much about it as I was doing it, I think. So I'm very happy to hear you liked it despite that. XD


kalamitykat August 21 2006, 06:41:30 UTC
LOL Well, I suppose even Muraki has his funny moments--though most of them are thanks to Tsuzuki in YnM. :D

Well, sometimes just doing it spontaneously works better. ^_~ It was a great read, thank you very much.


peroxidepest17 August 21 2006, 16:08:55 UTC
Haha Tsuzuki molestation FTW I guess! XD

Thanks for reading!


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