Ouran/Gravitation- "Ouran Academy Guest Lecturers Series- Japanese Popular Literature (Yuki Eiri)"

Jul 29, 2006 20:58

Title: Ouran Academy Guest Lecturers Series- Japanese Popular Literature (Yuki Eiri)
Universe: Ouran High School Host Club/Gravitation
Theme/Topic: N/A
Rating: PG-13 for language
Character/Pairing/s: Yuki, Tohma, Tamaki, Haruhi, Kyouya, Mori, Honey, Hikaru, Kaoru (mentions of YukixShuuichi, splashes of HikaruxKaoru)
Warnings/Spoilers: None that I ( Read more... )

haruhi, mori, gravitation, kyouya, shuuichi, yukixshuuichi, ouran, yuki, kaoru, hikaru, renge, tohma, tamaki, twins, honey

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Comments 71

sparda219 July 30 2006, 04:47:05 UTC

Yuki is such an ASSHOLE, I love it!

Those twins, lucky little bastards they are. XD Best cherry popping they could've gotten. <3<3<3<3<3 Shuuichi would kill them both slowly if he knew, here's hoping it's kept a secret. And yeah, Renge is one of those gals who just turns boys off from ladies altogether, eh? XD <3

And I love how Tohma was keeping tabs on him through Kyouya. They are disturbingly similar, aren't they?

Here's hoping and praying for more of these! These crossovers are DELECTABLE! And I love how you even managed to fit in a relationship with Yuki and Shigure. XD Precious.


peroxidepest17 July 30 2006, 07:13:06 UTC
Haha I've got ideas for some more, but no promises yet-- I get big plans and then get too lazy to write, so I don't want to talk about it in detail til they're actually done. XD Haha but I'm glad you're liking this little series of crack so far. ^_^


carameltrap July 30 2006, 05:03:30 UTC
Sadly I don't watch Gravitation so I have no idea what Yuki is like but knowing you, you probably got him right down to a pat.

I love your insertions of Renge! She gets so little fanfic appearance. #9 is total love! ^__^


peroxidepest17 July 30 2006, 07:14:44 UTC
Haha Gravitation is some older stuff that somehow remains close to my fangirl heart, I think, despite how I can neglect it. If you get the chance I recommend taking a look at it, it's really a nice romance... in my opinion anyway. Plus you can't go wrong with the voice acting cast they had. XD


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Re: Wah! peroxidepest17 July 30 2006, 07:16:18 UTC
Yuki is such a bitch. Haha That's what made this cycle harder to pull off, I think-- he generally didn't want to cooperate with the antics of the host club when I was trying to come up with scenarios. ^_^;;

As for the next guest at Ouran, I've got it planned-- I just need to see if I can get it actually WRITTEN. XD;; It's for a series I watched like, SIX BILLION years ago and never touched the manga for. I fear. ^_^;;


ignipotent July 30 2006, 05:15:01 UTC

CAN I MARRY YOU? D: This was so good. Holy crap. *foams at mouth*

I'd so bribe you/pay you to feature Byakuya (and Ichigo XD) in one of these.


peroxidepest17 July 30 2006, 07:17:05 UTC
Heee, I'm glad you liked it! I still think it wasn't as good as the first one, but the first one was nice and easy to write so I might be biased or something. XD;;


kouriarashi July 30 2006, 06:21:09 UTC
Every time I cracked up, my roommate asked, "What?" and I wound up reading half this out loud to her. I just want you to know that. XD

Also, Yuki/Twins for the win. That cracked me up. Also, Haruhi being a dyke and Tamaki's reaction to it. And Kyouya and Tohma. And, hell, the entire fic. But especially "Yuki, are you dying?" BAHAHAHAHA! That is such perfect Yuki/Schuichi interaction that I killed myself laughing. XD

Here's hoping that Yuki got to go have sex with some guys, like, right now.

.....do you know Read or Die? I'd *love* to see Sumiregawa Nenene do a set of guest lectures like this. XD


peroxidepest17 July 30 2006, 07:18:33 UTC
I don't know a thing about Read or Die, actually. Haha My repetoire of accessible characters for this crossover series is going to be very limited, I think, and will probably end up involving lots of obscure series that have very, very small fandoms.

Haha Anyway, happy you liked the story! ^_^


kouriarashi July 30 2006, 17:43:20 UTC
You should see Read or Die. It's pretty awesome. ^_^

Maybe I'll borrow the concept and do it myself, though.... although I think I'd probably mangle the Ouran cast, heh.


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