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Comments 20

mulder200 November 1 2011, 15:26:48 UTC
LOL! This was the probably the funniest chapter because it forced the boys to be honest with each other and TALK. LOL! It figures.


peroxidepest17 November 3 2011, 19:55:56 UTC
SHARING OF FEELINGS is my favorite between them because it's just awkward and hilarious. I love the idea of Dean's facial expressions when talking about feelings. XD


icetippedwings November 3 2011, 17:38:17 UTC
Omg, the diner scene at the beginning was pure beauty. Once again, poor poor Sam, being stuck with those two. Both so oblivious and so adorable. Dean and the receptionist lady and his certainty she was a monster was hilarious.

AShkdfjs Cas and the rock that reminds him of Dean. And "how does a weed remind you of your husband?" I'm dying. AND HIS REASONING FOR IT. And that he's an awesome fake husband. This is the best chapter ever. The entire scene was just amazing.

The springs scene was also fantastic, and so very, very awkward. And the hugging, awwwwww. Poor Dean, judged so much, but the hugging itself was really, really adorable. And I'm glad they've made up a bit, and come to some sort of understanding, at least. Excellent chapter; I think it was my favorite so far.


peroxidepest17 November 3 2011, 20:00:57 UTC
This one was definitely my favorite one to write! I just really, really wanted hotspring antics with these two! I'm so happy you liked it. ^_^


fieryredqueen November 5 2011, 08:39:59 UTC
This chapter was SO much fun to read. It makes me really, really sad this isn't rated NC-17, though. What with my giant slashfan mentality, I want them to screw each other now.


peroxidepest17 November 5 2011, 16:57:19 UTC
Ahaha it would be too early if they did it now! (Even if it was NC-17) IT'S ALL ABOUT THE BUILD. XD


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peroxidepest17 November 8 2011, 22:51:19 UTC
I HAD TO DO IT. IT WORKED OUT TOO DAMN WELL IN MY HEAD. Also this was my favorite chapter to write by 10 billion times.


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peroxidepest17 November 9 2011, 03:52:15 UTC
*blushblush* THANK YOU!


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peroxidepest17 November 9 2011, 20:18:49 UTC
I NEEDED to write about Cas cheating. I NEEDED TO.


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