JE/NEWS+SPN- "Tiny Brain, Big Heart"

Dec 02, 2010 22:53

Wow I am clearly out of practice yo. But I owe a lot of stuff, so hopefully I will get back in the swing of things quickly. Reborn, more JE, and possibly ES21 yet to come. <3

Title: Tiny Brain, Big Heart
Universe: NEWS, Supernatural ( JE+SPN AU)
Theme/Topic: N/A
Rating: PG
Character/Pairing/s: lightly Koyapi
Spoilers: None, really.
Word Count ( Read more... )

je au, news, je+spn au, koyama, je, yamapi

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Comments 12

chatacat December 20 2010, 04:20:36 UTC
Slowly going through your JE+SPN Verse now XD
This one was adorable~ Koyama is a character you can never hate~
I love how P used Koyama's laughter as his own interpretation naaww~~♥


peroxidepest17 December 20 2010, 06:45:28 UTC
I'm glad you liked it! Koyama is full of <3 ^_^


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