NEWS- "Small Surprises"

Nov 03, 2009 01:19

Fail fic is fail, but I sacrificed my homework time today to do it, so I am throwing it up goddammit. I think Ryo's b-day is probably over tho. OTL

Title: Small Surprises
Universe: NEWS ( Gov AU)
Theme/Topic: None
Rating: PG
Character/Pairing/s: NEWS
Warnings/Spoilers: bad procedural, obviously. LOL
Word Count: 3,670
Summary: Ryo and Tegoshi ( Read more... )

je au, koyama, je, massu, yamapi, news, je gov au, tegoshi, shige, ryo

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Comments 28

badbatazz November 3 2009, 11:37:28 UTC
awwww ryo chan is just shy.... Happy birthday ryo chan


peroxidepest17 November 4 2009, 06:48:31 UTC
KoyaShige always say he needs to learn how to express his love better. XD


snow_meow November 3 2009, 12:10:40 UTC

I love YamaPi and his plan.

It's interesting how focus Ryo was in the mission that he failed to realise his gun is broken. Now good a sniper can he be if he doesn't check his weapon. LOL

Or he is too bothered that this whole mission will end up with dead bodies. ^_^

I love this fic. I bet you got this idea after watching the NEWS Diamond documentary ^_~


peroxidepest17 November 4 2009, 06:48:14 UTC
LOL I think he probably test-fired it that morning but while he was practicing with Tego with the special gun, Koyapi snuck in and switched it out. XD


keeconk November 3 2009, 14:08:14 UTC
happy birthday ryo!!!
lol.. he's so cute with his expression..


peroxidepest17 November 4 2009, 06:47:04 UTC
His faces are pretty priceless. XD


psych_ten_chan November 3 2009, 15:13:31 UTC
Awww. I doubt NEWS can actually pull off a a plan as intricate as that. Lol. The girly pink note should have given it away Ryo-chan! But WPD is such love. I love how there was PiTego and KoyaPi all over it. Sharing clothes, hugging, and crossdressing (Yuuko-chan!), it was as epic as I imagined it to be! Though a bit sad that TomaPi was not in it. Thanks again for the awesome fic! ^_^


peroxidepest17 November 4 2009, 06:46:51 UTC


jojibear November 3 2009, 20:15:03 UTC
Lol lol - that's cute ♥


peroxidepest17 November 4 2009, 06:46:26 UTC


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