NEWS Drabble Dump #21

Mar 23, 2009 00:18

Title: A Little Bit Grown Up
Theme/Topic: Kiss away your tears
Rating: G
Character/Pairing/s: Vaguely KoyaxUchi (mentions of TegoxUchi and Ryo)
Warnings/Spoilers: Sap, OOC, randomness
Word Count: 835
Summary: Uchi has always leaned on Koyama.
Dedication: for the drabble exchange thing crystallekil did on her journal. Except I failed the prompt, but you know.
A ( Read more... )

je au, kusano, koyama, je, massu, uchi, je gov au, tegoshi, ryo

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Comments 11

uminohikari March 25 2009, 00:01:03 UTC
DD: Poor Kusano!

Aww, Uchi is cute.


peroxidepest17 March 26 2009, 04:43:43 UTC
Hopefully he will figure things out for sure one way or another soon. >>


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