JE/NewS- "Well Deserved"

Feb 08, 2009 00:01

Title: Well Deserved
Universe: JE/NewS
Theme/Topic: N/A
Rating: G
Character/Pairing/s: NewS (mentions of various other JE personalities as well)
Warnings/Spoilers: randomness. LOL screwed up timeline? Whatevs. XD
Word Count: 1,360
Summary: NewS works towards bribing their manager.
Dedication: Nicole! Just because it’s been a while.
A/N: A quickie ( Read more... )

je, sho, nagase, yamapi, matsujun, tegoshi, shige, tsubasa, koichi, koki, jin, sakamoto, koyama, inohara, massu, news, ryo

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Comments 75

psych_ten_chan February 8 2009, 08:29:21 UTC
NEWS Vacation. Sounds really really fun. Hope you get to write what they do. Probably involves lots of hijinks and Shige teasing. Thanks for the fic!


peroxidepest17 February 8 2009, 22:47:08 UTC
Ahaha Koyama kind of told us about what they did in his Hanamaru cafe episode, I think. Beach side play and eating together. <3


badbatazz February 8 2009, 10:54:16 UTC
NEWS finally get a vacation. don't they all deserved at least 1 week uninterrupted vacation in their lifetime.... and ryo way of asking for donation is good....


peroxidepest17 February 8 2009, 22:47:19 UTC
They deserve MONTHS. Haha


badbatazz February 9 2009, 08:14:42 UTC
but then NEWS fan will be miserable without their idols..... hahaha...


peroxidepest17 February 9 2009, 10:10:43 UTC
True, true. LOL well, a few days should be enough... *selfish*


snow_meow February 8 2009, 11:04:17 UTC
I love how everyone pitches in and YamaPi's sleepy and worn out face is the key to getting money.
I can imagine how worn out Pi must look and yet so adorble, that no one can say no to Ryo's request.


peroxidepest17 February 8 2009, 22:47:32 UTC
Yamapi needs like, a week long nap.


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peroxidepest17 February 8 2009, 22:48:13 UTC
Or Let Johnny's REST. LOL Maybe that's why so many of them are short; they don't get proper food and sleep when they're young. XD


faith_alive February 8 2009, 14:29:42 UTC
while they sadface all over the room - I laughed out loud at this coz I can really see it in my mind

*happyfaces at you*

Thanks for sharing and I just love your writing :))))


peroxidepest17 February 8 2009, 22:48:38 UTC
I imagine NewS sadfacing together is like getting hit by a BOMB. haha


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