Title: Counting Down
Universe: JE (
Government AU)
Theme/Topic: The request was for decent-length, non-romance fic (i.e. epic gen? XD)
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing/s: NEWS, KAT-TUN (with guest appearances by Inohara, Tsuyoshi, Tackey, and Koichi)
Warnings/Spoilers: OOC, bad police procedurals.
Word Count: 10,070
Summary: The difference between
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Comments 87
The parallel between Koyama/NEWS and Nakamaru/KAT-TUN was awesome, and showing the good stuff and the bad stuff of working there...
And Tegoshi stabbing himself for Shige was ALAKDJFHGH LET'S ALL SAVE SHIGE, YO
And Ryo trying to comfort Koyama ♥♥♥
And I just want to kick and hug Kame and Jin at the same time >o<
And Massu being Massu ♥♥♥♥
And of course, Koyama is all about caring about his team ♥
And... I don't know what else to say, because really, this is the best JE AU ever! I just found this universe about a week ago and I'm so in love with it :3
Thank you for creating this! ^^
this makes me cry...
tegoshi's doing something like that for shige... aww
and guilty koyama makes me cry
ryo's way in comforting koyama is awesome
So unless you blow up Tokyo Dome in the middle of an idol concert, I will probably have you beat in the body count by the time we both retire
and i like this line
and massu and kusano... uwahhh..
and the way koyama makes that bomb is soo awesome...
and i have to add that jin's advice to nakamaru i sooo cool
Thanks for commenting!
typo: A bunch of burning steal
i think you mean steel?
I love Ryo's way of looking at the world. It's cold, and practical and selfish. And he's not ashamed of it.
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