JE/NewS+HSJ- "Making Number Six" (1/2)

Aug 11, 2008 22:15

Title: Making Number Six
Universe: JE ( Government AU)
Theme/Topic: NewS as senpai their kouhai look up to.
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing/s: HSJ, NEWS, Tackey, Tsubasa
Warnings/Spoilers: OOC, stupidity.
Word Count: 10,756
Summary: Six separate stories come together in the pursuit of one happy ending. Ten rookies each learn something very ( Read more... )

morimoto, inoo, okamoto, je, tackey, hikaru, yuto, yamapi, tegoshi, hsjump, shige, tsubasa, yamada, je au, takaki, koyama, yabu, massu, tackey and tsubasa, news, je gov au, arioka, ryo, chinen

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Comments 12

margalicious_me August 12 2008, 03:36:28 UTC
Finally! A new chapter for your Gov't AU!

Ryo = pure awesome m(_ _)m
Kei = I bet, when he learned about the HSJ debut, sparkly hearts fluttered around him...
Massu = I'm a math major and I can't even calculate those things... GENIUS!


peroxidepest17 August 13 2008, 05:23:09 UTC
It took FOREVER to write. LOL hardest chapter of it yet; usually it goes right along.


margalicious_me August 13 2008, 09:12:42 UTC
Well, congrats. You managed to fit HSJ in your universe, finally ^_^


peroxidepest17 August 13 2008, 16:36:06 UTC
God never again though, never again.


ununoriginal August 12 2008, 16:54:15 UTC
RYO IS FUCKING AWESOME - i can't ever remember cheering over a fic like tat EVER. YOU are totally awesome!

(goes on to read the next part!)


peroxidepest17 August 13 2008, 05:23:28 UTC
Ryo is totally a badass. <3


psych_ten_chan August 13 2008, 01:03:00 UTC
NEWS and HSJ! There hasn't been a lot of fic about them together. I am digging the whole sempai thing. Koyama just fits. And NEWS-Ryo love! On to the next chapter!


peroxidepest17 August 13 2008, 05:23:56 UTC
Koyama is totally the world's best senpai, no doubt. <3


win03die August 13 2008, 07:53:27 UTC
Your Ryo as a senpai. Trust. <3. don't have other words.

"It’s not really a glorious job ne, not like Ryo-chan’s or Tegoshi’s, but there are lots of little things that need to be done on a mission"
Your Koyama.. is a total sweetheart.

Massu is just.. a little out as always but cute.

That's why we love the NEWS they make.


peroxidepest17 August 13 2008, 16:12:02 UTC
I love everyone a lot. Esp after watching the Pacific and Taiwan documentaries on the new DVD. <3


mujun August 13 2008, 12:40:51 UTC
SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I'm SOOOO reading this at work today. I hope I can wait until lunch, but probably not. Maybe I'll have a really boring conference call or something. Or maybe everyone will be out and no one will be around to pop into my cube while I'm on LIVEJOURNAL. please please please


peroxidepest17 August 13 2008, 16:35:31 UTC
Ganbatte! <3


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