JE/NewS/KAT-TUN- "Five Things That Happen After Uchi and Kusano Rejoin NewS"

Jan 01, 2008 00:58

Goddammit this totally counts as a December fic, I just couldn't POST until now.

Title: Five Things That Happen After Uchi and Kusano Rejoin NewS
Universe: JE/News/KAT-TUN
Theme/Topic: N/A
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing/s: NewS (with cameos by One-Ok-Rock and Jin)
Warnings/Spoilers: Stupidity, OOC, SAP, RPF.
Word Count: 2,324
Summary: A sort- ( Read more... )

kusano, mori, jin, koyama, je, kat-tun, massu, uchi, yamapi, news, tegoshi, one-ok-rock, shige, ryo, koki

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Comments 23

annnimeee January 1 2008, 11:11:40 UTC
HAHA OMG AM SO FLATTERED READING THIS FIC. Especially when I realized that you were doing a companion piece to each of the 5 stories.

I like Yamapi saying that they'll take them all out together (and it probably being Koyama's idea), the Uchi-Tego eye contact, Uchi grabbing onto Tego so that he doesn't fall off, NewS studying together. One-Ok-AUK is HILARIOUS. I like Taka's bandmates trying to get him to karaoke and them cd-swapping.

“We have to celebrate! Dinner! Long chats! Hugs! Crying! Karaoke!” Koyama prompts. “It will be great!”


And a 17 page epic that died? For me? *_*


peroxidepest17 January 1 2008, 16:57:29 UTC
LULZ I Know the first three didn't feel like it; mostly I took a line I really liked from each of your 5 things and used it as a theme for each of mine. I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH IDEAS TO DO DIRECT CONTINUATIONS and so saved that for only the last one.

It was all kind of retarded but I REALLY LOVED YOUR STORY OK.

...17 pages of STUPID.


michiyu January 1 2008, 18:19:13 UTC
Omg. Amazing. as usual.

Number 1 was nice.~
I totally went "AWWWWWWWWWW" at number 2.
Number 3!! ♥♥
Number 4 was so amusing!

Number 5 was so incredibly awesome!

One-Ok-AUK IS ingenious.

I totally LOL'd at this: “Dude, your girlfriend is hot, Mori-Mori,” Alex quips to Taka with a smirk.
Tegoshi is indeed very masculine. XD

Jin looks at the rest of One-Ok-Rock as NewS squabbles for Taka’s attention; as legitimate musicians he thinks that they probably don’t like the fact that their limited rehearsal time is being cut into by a bunch of crazy fangirls.

Except they don’t really look bothered at all. In fact, they’re all cackling and taking incriminating cell phone pictures of Taka as the rest of his former boyband hangs all over him. Jin thinks he hears the drummer talking about putting the pictures up on their blogs later.

“They’re just like us!” he marvels to himself.

Well, they mostly; they don’t have to wear sequins unless they want to.

You totally win. =]


peroxidepest17 January 2 2008, 00:44:42 UTC
LOL Tego is prettier than about 98% of the girls I know. Poor kid. XD


michiyu January 5 2008, 22:38:30 UTC
Omg. *coughIjustnoticedthatTegodidnottakeoverUchi'ssolopartinTeppencoughPididcough*


peroxidepest17 January 6 2008, 00:46:07 UTC
I think there's one part in the bridge that Tego takes over that Uchi used to sing? OR I WAS PRETTY SURE. Not Uchi's main solo but his secondary one.


sazabe January 5 2008, 07:03:36 UTC
i wasn't expecting accurate characterizations! just... have fun with it! and make stuff up! you are too much of a perfectionist with your writing!!!! i don't know much about one ok rock and i don't think anyone really does, so it's ok! but i still enjoyed it ^^ it was really cute <3 <3 <3 uchi! uchi! uchi!!


peroxidepest17 January 5 2008, 17:04:28 UTC


I hope Kusano doesn't have to wait too much longer. ;_;


win03die January 6 2008, 11:51:07 UTC
So so so cute.
ro reads minds (like we didn't know alrrady)
Tego improvises and makes everyone feel giddy. Me at least.
ryo swatting kusa's head and telling people his signature + tego's = a lot money :D

(...and OMG did you hear about ryotego-handholding in the winterconcerts?
Ryo's been taking tego's hands to his very intently in almost every one.,
<3<3<3 those two..)

and i read your je-holidayfic again and was happy to see that i recognized the author right :D
Loved it. Especially the end where koyashige get what they deserve :D


peroxidepest17 January 6 2008, 19:16:41 UTC
Haha I was surprised more people didn't guess it was me given that I format it the exact same way I format EVERYTHING.

And I didn't hear about hand holding! BUT I AM HAPPY TO HEAR IT. XD


kegom January 7 2008, 00:28:19 UTC
Really cute! XD I especially enjoyed the idea of Taka getting together with his old boyband and his new (and cool ;D) rockband making photos for incriminating evidence... XD XD

But what caught my attention the most was: Here Is Greenwood - the TV series. God, I LOVE Greenwood (the manga and the anime, I never saw any live action version of it, should that exist) and the idea of a TV series of it with JE boys in the main roles just makes me bounce excitedly! ^___^ I wonder who'd play whom? I could imagine Kusano as Shun, except that it would probably take someone like Tegoshi to realistically play a guy who looks like a girl... Kusano as Hasukawa would be fun, too, though! XD I don't know who Uchi would play, though... (he's too young for the older Hasukawa brother, but I can't imagine him as Mitsuru or Shinobu...^^")
You've definitely given me fodder for thought with this! XD


peroxidepest17 January 7 2008, 01:05:27 UTC
If you read Ann's fic (which this one is a companion to) she has them all casted out in her head; I think it works really well! Tho Uchi might be a bit tall for Shun. XD


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