JE/NEWS/KAT-TUN- "Waiting to Come Home"

Nov 07, 2007 12:30

Title: Waiting to Come Home
Universe: JE/NewS/KAT-TUN
Theme/Topic: Government Agent AU
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing/s: NewS, Jin (Lightly RyoxUchi, KoyamaxShige, RyoxTego and YamapixJin, but can just as easily be classified as gen depending on how you look at stuff.)
Warnings/Spoilers: AU DAMMIT. Crack? Stupidity? Also, I suck at angst. LOLZ.
Word Count: 1,627
Summary: In the same universe as “To Serve and Protect”- A team is happiest when everyone can finally come home.
A/N: So I realized I was a little bit unclear about the fates of certain people in the first installment of this AU. This is me trying to be… um, more definite? I really can’t kill people after all, ne. -_-;; But yeah, as stated above, I kind of suck at angst. Listening to BSB's "Incomplete" while I edit this also does not help. Talk about emo. -_-;;
Disclaimer: No harm is meant by this. As far as I know.
Distribution: Just lemme know.

1. Kusano

“Oi, watch this!” Kusano says suddenly, and concentrates intently on his right leg. He manages to move it an inch forward after several minutes, and then an inch back after several more. Sweat is trickling down his brow when he’s done, but he just swipes at it with the back of his hand before grinning up at his teammates proudly. “I’m awesome, right? How awesome am I?”

“You’re awesome,” Koyama agrees, and smiles even though part of him looks like it wants to cry.

“Does it hurt much?” Shige asks practically, before Koyama can start getting misty-eyed and blubbery. He’s always been better at hiding his emotions than Koyama.

Kusano shakes his head at Shige and looks smug- undefeatable even though he seems so much smaller now, even though he looks far too young to be sitting in that wheelchair when Koyama can still remember how he’d almost broken every record ever set for their training drills back in their academy days together. “Doesn’t hurt even a little bit,” Kusano assures the undercover agent confidently. “I’ll be out of therapy and back on the team within a year at this rate. No sweat.”

Koyama chuckles fondly and reaches out to ruffle Kusano’s hair. “If you say it, I believe it,” he tells the younger man, and means it too.

After that the three of them laugh and horse around and reminisce about old times back in the academy dormitories together until it’s dark outside and time to go; on their way out the door, Koyama and Shige promise to come back next weekend and watch wrestling with Kusano all day Saturday.

“Work hard!” Kusano calls out after them as they head into the parking lot. “Otherwise I’ll overtake both you geezers before you even realize it!”

“Just for that, these geezers aren’t bringing your favorite chips with us next week,” Shige says, and smirks at Kusano a bit evilly as he slides into Koyama’s passenger seat.

“Eh, really?” Kusano whines. “No fair!”

Koyama chuckles helplessly at their childishness. “I’ll bring them,” he mouths to Kusano secretly, and waves one last time before getting behind the wheel.

After that Koyama cheerfully starts the engine; he’s still smiling as they pull out of the care facility’s parking lot, as they drive down the street, as they stop at the first red light two blocks down.

When Koyama pulls into the 7-11 around the corner a few minutes later though, Shige doesn’t say anything. He just gets out of the car and very casually says, “I’m getting a Slurpee, want anything?”

Koyama shakes his head and Shige goes into the store alone, pulls a magazine off the shelf and fills a large cup full of cherry Slurpee. After he pays for them he goes into the bathroom to read, sits on the toilet in the far stall until he’s all out of stuff to drink or interesting articles to read.

Thirty minutes later, when Koyama is all out of tears, Shige comes out of the convenience store with a cup of coffee; two sugars, no cream. He hands it to Koyama.

Koyama nods his thanks and starts the car again.

“I really believe him,” the older agent manages after a moment, quietly.

Shige nods. “Me too.”

But then again, he’s always been better at hiding his emotions than Koyama.

2. Uchi

Ryo slides into the room quietly and moves with an empty sort of efficiency through his weekly routine; he knows he’s not going to take long because he never does, knows that even Tegoshi’s cute face can only buy them so much time with that Monster Head Nurse when it’s after visiting hours like this.

He’s done this so many times it’s like a ritual now anyway; nothing ever changes even though he keeps coming back wishing that something will.

First he gathers up all the dead bouquets of flowers and replaces them with new ones. Tonight he’s brought Poinsettias because they’re festive; Tegoshi helped him pick them out at the shop earlier because Ryo’s hopeless at stuff like this. After that’s taken care of he stops to straighten the bed sheets a little bit, makes sure Uchi’s tucked in right and his pillow is fluffed. He even straightens the kid’s hair a little, since he knows Uchi has always been a brat about stupid girly stuff like that; just because he’s unconscious right now doesn’t seem like that would change.

Ryo only pauses after he’s done touching everything up, but even still, he doesn’t linger for too long. It’s only for a moment that he lets himself watch his best friend breathe, lets himself take in the rhythmic up and down of Uchi’s chest as the monitors beep on steadily beside him.

One, two, one two; in, out, in, out.

It’s a terrifying and reassuring thing to see all at once; Ryo looks away when it all starts to feel like too much, when he thinks that he might start throwing things and screaming at Uchi to wake up, like he used to.

He hated that person when he was that person; doesn’t want to go back to being that person ever again.

So he thinks that maybe he ought to leave now.

“When you wake up,” Ryo tells Uchi softly, “I’m going to kick your ass.”

No answer comes from the sleeping form in the bed, but then again, it never does.

Ryo leaves.

On his way down the dark hospital corridor he dumps the dead flowers into a nearby trashcan and goes to meet Tegoshi in the lobby. Monster Nurse is glaring at the kid despite his being in full-charm mode right now, and the moment she sees Ryo she chases them both out of the automatic doors and tells them she’s never doing them a favor ever again because they’re ungrateful brats who don’t know how to follow the rules.

They retreat to the parking lot together and it’s cold outside; Tegoshi shudders and shoves his hands into his pockets as they make their way back to Ryo’s car.

Ryo feels like absolute shit right now, just like he always does after he comes here. He thinks about going out to a bar after he drops Tegoshi off at home, thinks about getting himself piss drunk and passing out for the rest of the night so that he doesn’t have to remember-or care about- anything anymore.

But then Tegoshi suddenly shivers and snuggles up closer to Ryo; he whines plaintively that he’s cold and that they should go have cocoa at Ryo’s apartment before they both freeze to death.

Ryo rolls his eyes at how pathetic the kid sounds right now, but after a moment, inexplicably capitulates and wraps an arm around Tegoshi’s shoulders. “I’m not making you any goddamned cocoa though,” he tells his teammate flatly.

Tegoshi just beams up at the older agent. “I like it when you stir candy canes into it, ne. It’s yummy.”

Ryo sighs.

He supposes that the bar will have to wait.

3. Jin

“Are you lonely?”

“I’m lonely.”

Jin’s voice is muddled over the secure line; he’s thousands of miles away and even though it’s daytime where he is, he sounds tired, like he should be sleeping right now. Yamapi looks at his clock.

He has to be at an eight am meeting tomorrow with the other team directors; he’s the one who should be in bed.

“You’ll be home soon,” he tells his best friend gently. “Your team misses you, ne.”

Jin scoffs and sounds skeptical; “When I left, they hated me.”

“When you come back,” Yamapi amends, “You can finally tell them why you had to go at all.”

“I’m going to catch these guys, Pi.” Jin sounds determined. “I’m going to do it.”

“Bakanishi, if you didn’t catch them after all this time chasing them around the world it would be horrible, wouldn’t it? Of course you’ll catch them.”

“Yeah. I’ll do it.”

Then, a softer, “Do you think they’ll forgive me?” It is one of the few times Yamapi ever remembers hearing Jin scared.

“They’re your team, aren’t they?”

“Yeah, but…”

“Then they’ll forgive you. They’re all waiting for you.”


Jin sighs. “I want to come home,” he murmurs.

Yamapi tries not to think about the danger Jin is in right now, tries not to think about how he’s all alone in America right now or how serious the mission he’s on right now is. He clutches the phone tightly in his hand. “You will. You’ll come home soon.”

“Pi, what if they don’t want to take me back?”

Yamapi thinks about Uchi and Kusano, who can’t come back; he steels his jaw.

“If they don’t, they’ll have to answer to me, ne.”

Jin actually chuckles a little bit when he hears Yamapi’s tone. “Do you think it will really come to that?”

Yamapi takes a deep breath. “No,” he admits. “Because for any team, the greatest feeling is when everyone can finally come home, right?”


A moment.

“Hey, I’ve got to go… we’re moving tonight.”

Yamapi sighs. “Come home soon, ne.”

“Un. Bye.”


When Jin hangs up Yamapi takes a deep breath and leans back in his chair, he keeps holding the phone to his ear until the dial tone makes him feel lonely.

He looks at the scattered pictures on his desk thoughtfully; the faces captured in them smile back at him and somehow make everything hurt just a little bit more for it.

He frowns and rubs his eyes with his hands; turns off the desk light so he can’t see anything anymore.

He sighs. “Now I’m waiting for three, ne.”

Somehow it feels like it is going to be a very long winter.



je au, kusano, jin, koyama, je, kat-tun, uchi, yamapi, news, je gov au, tegoshi, shige, ryo

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