Log or Journal: Log
Scene: Inbound for China in two military vehicles (IVECO LMV)
Players: Germany, Italy, Denmark, France, England, Seychelles, Korea and Thailand (and possibly others as we move along)
Location: Somewhere in China.
Time lot: Few minutes after sun rise and the beast's death. (5:10 AM UTC +6)
After the beast’s death, the group of Nations
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Comments 33
As France slipped his arm around her, Seychelles held his hand, comforted by the elder nation’s presence. Emboldened, she turned to him with a sassy smile and murmured, “He sure likes to hear himself talk, doesn’t he?” She glanced pointedly at Germany and stifled a giggle
He smiled and waved when Thailand showed up, mostly oblivious to how he must have looked, what with being covered in blood.
Feliciano smiled, raised both his arms and started running towards their new friend to give him a hug.
"Ciaooooooo Tailand---" *bump* The Italian suddenly fell on the ground before he could reach the Asian nation.
In his mind he went over the earlier events. It was so chaotic that he had watched near paralysed, also held back by his injuries. The beast was clearly weakened when the sun rose... It was starting to sound like a kind of cheap horror movie Alfred and Kiku liked. If that was how it was, he would've greatly preferred a drama, one with a romantic subplot. One with a good Korean ending.
He let his thoughts wander from the situation at hand for a moment. In a sense it did calm him down.
Somebody else arrived? .. Thailand?! He scrambled up again, happy to hear a familiar name, someone else from the asian family, despite injuries quickly getting of the bench. Starting to wave his arms enthusiastically at Thailand ( ... )
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