(no subject)

Aug 20, 2009 03:20

[You would think that it would be very difficult for a child that which becomes violently ill upon drinking milk to somehow manage to drink it. Somehow, Marlene's managed to do it.

Marlene had gotten hungry and wandered around one of the empty dining cars in order to find something to eat. The food part had been okay -- she mostly ate some apples and grapes that she found in the fridge. The drink part? Well, it appears as though someone had left a full thermos of (very delightful and very yummy) strawberry milk on one of the tables; and instead of investigating it, and also because she is completely unfamiliar with strawberry-flavored milk, Marlene just went and drank it. All of it. Hey! It was good!

A few hours later, however? Instead of crawling around in her tunnels the vents, Marlene is stumbling around from car to car. And if that isn't weird enough, she's lost Ben the Moogle. He's actually sitting on the table next to the over-turned thermos in the dining car, if anyone wants to know. And Marlene looks very scared, very confused, and very, very sick. If she's spoken with you in the last several weeks, and she subsequently likes you, she's probably calling your name, because the girl really needs a familiar face. Albeit, new ones are cool too!]

Kaoru...? Seishirou...? Lavi...?

Some-something's wronggg... I need... I need my daddy...

[She stumbles into an empty passenger car and curls up in a corner.]

Seish...? Kao... Lavi...? Some-someone? S-something's wrong. My tummy... hurts...

And I lost Ben...

§ dropped - lavi bookman (air gear), § dropped - seishirou (final finatsy x), § dropped - marlene wallace (bioshock)

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