Well, that was a load of utter shite, wasn’t it?
After Cornell’s and Moffat’s standout episodes, I was actually pleasantly surprised by the first of RTD’s three-part finale - not that it was good or anything, just not as mind-numbingly awful as I’d feared. The second part stomped all over that faint hope, and last night was just unmitigated bollocks: RTD’s trademark lazy writing; disjointed, cliched, incoherent and chaotic (and not in a good way). One good line (“they called me the Face of Boe”), Martha’s sensible and dignified withdrawal from #10’s emotional immaturity, one good SFX (the Toclafane embedded post-Human) and a sweaty and grimy John Barrowman do not a good programme make.
And the Power of Prayer, FFS!