Jack Skellington

Nov 02, 2005 02:01

3   This year I made the head of Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993). I got the idea from a picture in someone's journal here on LJ, but I forget who. I used the leather scented candle that was part of the gift basket I won at TBRU. I must say that the smell of leather and gently toasting pumpkin go well together. Gwen kept sniffing around it, I think she liked it too.

This was my first Samhain in the new house. We had a lot of Trick or Treaters, and even one group of Trick or Drinkers. The latter showed up with their own bottle of Jameson, but I did them one better with my bottle of 12-Year special reserve that I got from the distillery in Dublin. A quick toast and exchange of shots, and then I sent them upon their way.   
 I didn't dress up this year; my costuming is still split between the houses and many, many packing boxes. The mother of one pair of Trick or Treaters took my picture with them, which was a first for me. It seemed an odd request at the time, particularly since I wasn't in costume; but I suppose a protective parent might want to photograph those distributing treats to their kids in case said treat turned out to be not so well intentioned.

I am proud to report that Gwen did her part to protect the new home and scare the would be ghouls, super heroes and the occasional ill tempered young princesses. My new house has an entryway with glass paned doors on the inside and out, so they could see her while I served cookies.

Many of you may recall, every year for Halloween I had out Fortune Cookies from our own local Keefer Court. Last year I found a special cookie, which I saved. During the year I found another at a restaurant who happens to serve the same brand. This year, I found a third; each special yet unique.
Spooning   Back to Back   One Inside The Other 

 There's something Freudian about this one. Sometimes a cookies isn't just a cookie. The only thing that would make this better would be having that someone special to share it with me. This is the one I found last year.Must not make a sex joke about this one, about two bottoms trying to date, it would be just too easy and predictable. This is the one I found this year.It's a little difficult to make out, but when I was handed this cookie, I notied the heft was odd. Upon further inspection, I found that it was one fortune cookie wrapped around another. This is the one I got at a restaurant.
And now for something completely different, I present the Pumpkin Computer. It's things like this which remind me that I may be a geek, at least I'm not that much of a geek. Check out the link describing how they made it.

Ghosts of Halloweens Past:


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