I've never read a Prosperity challenge before and I don't know a whole lot about them, but I enjoyed reading yours. That expression on Adry's face during her toddler transition is just too adorable. It looks like she knows something that no one else does!
The prosperity challenge is a lot like a legacy only you have multiple families and there's different rules about heirs and such. But you get points for certain things in the game like achieving LTWs, maxing hobby enthusiasm, gold badges, etc. And it goes to the death of your first generation 5 sim. So it's half the generations, but double the time due to all the families you end up having! It's a fun challenge for sure!
I'm really excited to watch Adry grow up. I love seeing how two very different looking sims combine their genetics. If I could, all my sims would be family sims with a bajillion kids each! Lol, but that would be super crazy. :)
Everyone is so adorable (have I said that already?), and Bree looks to have grown in to a wonderful-looking teen. I hope everyting's okay between Diana and Hugh, and the fact that Hugh has a daughter by Larke doesn't cause too much stress in the household (and I certainly hope it doesn't cause a divorce, Hugh would probably be cursing his luck if that happened).
Diana really surprised me by being so mean and confrontational during Adry's birthday party! She left the party early too. I can only guess that jealousy is the main cause for her behavior, but who knows. She just might have been having a pregnancy mood swing! At least she got to eat some cake!
Wow, great update! Thanks for mentioning me - twice. :) I'm glad the wishing well is working out for you. So many things happened! I think Bree turned out especially pretty.
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