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May 28, 2009 00:01

Sometimes, some crimes go slipping through the cracks, leaving the victims left alone and without sufficient means of indemnification. Hundreds- nay, thousands of these crimes occur each year; a flaw in a justice system that has grown from strong roots, however rotted the soil may have been. Atrocities and crimes against even the foundations of ( Read more... )

bombing, vocab words are a go, rescue rangers, this is my angry face, tl;dr

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Comments 32

alastinglight May 28 2009, 14:10:10 UTC
A poet, are you?

An angry one, at that.


perfect_justice May 29 2009, 03:40:03 UTC
Regardless of the poetry insurgence that has been broadcasted of late, I am no poet. I have nothing but respect for those who seek to perfect such a labyrinthine art, but I would never claim to have mastered it.

I apologize if I seem overly cross, but after such an affront to one's home city, where my own family resides, is it not normal to want to speak out against the criminals who threaten them so?


alastinglight May 29 2009, 03:56:11 UTC
It is quite natural.

Also sweet, hardly subtle and rather overrated.


perfect_justice May 29 2009, 05:59:47 UTC
I cannot say much about sweet, however - using subtle methods and words very rarely works when speaking to the public at large. Within a smaller, more unified group it may be both the easiest and preferred method of communicating one's opinion, but it was not my intention to merely reach those close to me.

I had hoped that, whomever they are, the criminals would read my words and think twice about subsequent violence against Ivona, or indeed, any part of Reial. Simple words, as overrated as they are, best suited this purpose.


thewarisover May 28 2009, 14:11:19 UTC
A life for a life has never been very efficient, in my experience.


perfect_justice May 29 2009, 03:42:40 UTC
It would not be, no. However, if taking a life would result in saving the lives of many, is it not the duty of the government to make such a decision? As irrational and brutish as it may seem, those same decisions have laid the foundation for the very military we serve in.


thewarisover May 29 2009, 03:54:33 UTC
Have you been in a war, soldier?


perfect_justice May 29 2009, 05:47:21 UTC
Although I have fought in many battles, I have been fortunate enough to have been spared active participation in a full-scale war. It is my dearest hope that this matter may yet be resolved quickly, the culprit caught and punished, so that the tender truce between the two countries may yet hold strong and not fall into the despair that such a war would bring.


nohoppityskip May 28 2009, 21:03:37 UTC
Justice? So your only definition of it is punishment? Retribution, as it were. An eye for an eye.



perfect_justice May 29 2009, 03:48:21 UTC
I do not believe justice to be solely about punishment, but rather the righting of wrongs done to a person or society. If an apple is stolen from a vendor, it is only right that it should be returned or the proper monetary compensation be given instead. If one deliberately cuts off another's leg, it is only right that they should be punished for such an act, or chaos would crumble our cities into mere cess pools, ruled by the strongest arm rather than the just voice. The punishment may not be the taking of the criminal's leg, but it is only right that the compensation he gives back to the person as well as society equal the debt and the damage he has caused, yes?

Ultimately, the decision to take their life or lives should be made through the courts to ensure they have as fair a trial as can be given. This is merely my own opinion as to what the punishment for such an ignoble crime should be.


redekker December 26 2010, 09:48:19 UTC

pretty intense! not sure what else to say...


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