After Dinner 2

May 10, 2004 16:54

Here is for enkanowen,who asked for more and for acacionnastik who pointed out the weak reasoning in ‘After Dinner/1’ and for all of you,who will now have to suffer through part 2

After Dinner 2
Author: Esteven
Disclaimers: No infringement of the following characters and situations is intended. The Characters belong to Patrick O’Brian, their looks to the actors, the movie to whoever holds rights to it. I am not making money from this.
Rating: I wanted a short fluffy piece of mush, PG-rated at the most, but those two had different ideas. Who am I to argue? So it's NC-17.
Characters: (movie) Jack/Stephen
Thanks and roses to seascribe, who beta-ed above and beyond the call of duty.
Note: Sequel to ‘After Dinner/1’, which you will find at April 2nd. It is not necessary to read it first.

The Galapagos as a pudding.Stephen looked disbelievingly at the huge 'object'which Killick had carried in.He watched Jack demolish the islands.“He really has to fill his spoon to the brim, the creature.”Stephen thought and shuddered.“And sooner or later he will come ask me for physic,if he does not get enough exercise.”

"Safe and sound at home again,let the waters roar,Jack." They started on the singing.“Mr. Allen is in fine form,”the doctor thought.So was Jack, and Stephen remembered the last time he had taken his revenge on his friend for his very own brand of humour.“For shame, Jack is not making fun of me.” The doctor sighed inwardly.“So far there is no reason to waylay him.” Stephen reached for his glass, pondering to himself.“Maybe he will tell a lewd story from his small collection.That should count.”Stephen thought hopefully.“Always provided he has not forgotten the punch lines.” No opportunity presented itself. The officers left and Killick cleared the table,returning only with the port and two glasses and then left for the night.

Jack took off his coat and threw it over the chest.For a while he stood and looked out of the stern windows. He turned and smiled."How about some music?" This was their first opportunity to play after the storm. “With all my heart," answered the doctor and went for his instrument,while Jack lit the candles on the music-stands and began to tune his fiddle. “One of our favourites, yes? How about the Corelli?"

Stephen had finished tuning and nodded."Gladly, my dear.” Soon the sounds of the concerto in G minor filled the cabin and the'cello's and the violin's voices mingled,entwined, parted and joined again.Jack and Stephen smiled at each other over their instruments.They had played for the better part of an hour,when Stephen set the 'cello aside.Jack continued for a while.

The doctor drank some port and went to the table with the maps on it and pulled out the chart of the Enchanted Isles, as he called the Galapagos.He mentioned the strange and wonderful beasts supposedly living there and they talked about them for some time.The ship would stop there to take on food and water and Jack promised Stephen several days to explore and wander the area to his heart's content.“You’ll be the first naturalist to set foot on the islands I'll wager.” Stephen expressed his pleasure and smiled brightly when he returned to his chair.He took his 'cello and improvised on their Mozart in G major.Jack sat sideways on the stern lockers,listening and looking out of the windows now and then.He had taken off his boots and unbuckled his breeches at the knees.

Now he looked back at Stephen,laughter lines crinkling around his eyes and he mouthed “Are you in the mood for something more aggressive?" repeating Stephen's question from a few weeks ago.He sipped some of the port and sidled near his friend who still played and leant over and whispered "Will you teach me again?"

Stephen rested the 'cello against the chair.“Teach you?"

"I have a mind to ask you once more,which of the two weevils you would choose."

"Oh Jack, no,"Stephen sounded exasperated,but a smile ruined the effect.

"But yes,I remember gladly how you punished me for it last time."

"I thought to have cured you of the Navy’s meagre excuse for humour?"

"Well, until then I had never experienced you to be so surprising." Jack laughed at his choice of words.

"That is worse than the weevils.” Stephen groaned.“And here I was, thinking that when I took control from you unexpectedly, it would divest you of your habit of trying to make me the subject of your puns.I wanted you never to be certain again of my actions; keep you on your toes,so to speak.” He was distracted by hands stroking his shoulder through his shirt and by lips nibbling at his earlobe, a tongue flicking in and out of his ear.Stephen squirmed.“I seem to have miscalculated. Maybe I should set you on withdrawal?" he said in a bantering tone.

The nibbling stopped.Jack sat up,reached out and his fingers cupped Stephen's face. “Would you have me change?" His hand fell to his side.“If I continue,will you deprive me of the physical side of our love?” Their conversation suddenly took an unexpected, more serious turn.

Stephen saw uncertainty in the eyes searching his face.Jack sat there, his head bowed, hands resting on his knees, his shirt and waistcoat open. Strands of blond hair had escaped the ribbon and hung limply to the sides of his face.

“How tired he looks. And they called him Goldilocks not that many years ago.” Stephen reflected on Jack’s hair with gentle affection.The doctor recalled the very same posture from an evening not so long ago.“And he is still taking Warley's death badly.”

“Stephen,you would consider ending that aspect of our relationship?" Jack licked his lips nervously.He tried twice to continue and then the words tumbled from his mouth.“It may be better for us this way,for we cannot hope to keep it a secret indefinitely, no matter how discreet we wish to be. Whatever you think is right.”A nervous smile appeared. “I would only be sorry if you were to regret what we had.As long as I still have your friendship, I will be content.” Jack nearly choked on the final sentence.

Stephen was dismayed for having stayed silent so far.The blue eyes regarding him had lost their shine.

"Jack" he cried, "I had but been making light of the situation," and he did what he knew he should have done when he had tried to give comfort a few days before and instead, had flown at his friend with his words about duty and pride. He got up,leant the 'cello to the side of his chair and sat beside Jack.“Do not worry so." he said.“Our union, our joining is precious to me.” He took Jack's face in his hands; he wanted to take his lover's pain away and first kissed one temple to continue along Jack’s jaw to return to his eyes. He tasted salt when he feathered over Jack's lids.

"He can be so emotional at times,” Stephen pondered affectionately.“But he cannot always be strong; maybe he will accept some support and strength from me as I have accepted his, with him the only person I would take it from.” Aloud he said, "Come, Jack. Have I not told you repeatedly how I love you?”

One hand under Jack's chin,he lifted Jack’s face gently and his thumb brushed away the wetness that still clung to his lashes. “Look at me,joy." Jack opened his eyes. He also opened his mouth willingly when Stephen pressed his lips to it and first flicked over the teeth; then his tongue darted inside, searching for his companion. Their kiss became more passionate, almost desperate from Jack's side and Stephen relinquished control because that was what Jack needed now.

Jack bore him down onto the locker seats, his arms to the left and right of his lover thus taking most of his weight so as not to crush him. He pushed his hips down, rubbing himself lightly on Stephen, who reached up to open the black ribbon. The loose hair transformed Jack from the Captain to the man he loved above all, and as always, it gave Stephen great pleasure to run his fingers through the long strands, so different from his own hair.

Jack bent down for a kiss that was as gentle as the first one had been full of need.They were now of one breath,no longer certain where one exhaled while the other drew his breath. Jack's tongue flickered over his lover's lips following their contours. Then he pushed inside Stephen’s mouth, past the row of teeth and licked the soft tissue inside; he withdrew, darted back, his tongue never caught by Stephen's. They were still fully clothed and Stephen was slowly getting impatient. He grasped a handful of blond hair and pulled Jack's head back.“Please let me feel you close."

Jack wet his lips, his eyes shining, such a contrast to the dull eyes of only a few moments ago.“I thought you would never ask.Do you not think we should take off our clothes to facilitate the matter?"

"Facilitate, is it now?" murmured Stephen and put his hands on Jack's shoulders and pushed him up further. “You will be crushing me next."

"I am not that heavy." Jack was indignant about this slur on his figure and Stephen had to pull him down for another kiss, his resolve melting as usual when Jack pouted. Jack breathed in deeply and sat up, feet to the side. Stephen sat up too and his fingers brushed over the scars on Jack's brow. “Why do you not follow your own suggestion and at least divest yourself of your shirt? You know how it pleases me to see you undress," the doctor murmured into a conveniently near ear. “Now you blush."

"Maybe I still wonder what you see in me,scars and all.” Jack’s hands had loosened Stephen's neckcloth, helped him out of his waistcoat and were now busy inside Stephen's shirt, slowly pushing it from the shoulders, then trailing a path from one nipple to the other. “I so adore unwrapping presents.And your love and your body are always a present to me, to be savoured."

Stephen swatted at the questing fingers. “Will you unwrap your present before its time? I have been first to..." His lips were crushed by a passionate kiss and he met it with equal fervour.Their tongues twined around each other, a taste of port still present.“Port on Jack is a heady combination.” Stephen thought as he nipped and sucked.“This could easily become an addiction.”

Jack withdrew and knelt between his spread thighs and rested his arms on them.He saw the slight twitching under the trousers’ cloth and his thumb drew lightly along the contours of the slowly engorging member.Then he reached for the buttons with one hand and with his other he continued to draw lines up and down Stephen's still covered shaft, alternating his pressure.

Stephen gasped and leant back against the window, eyes closing, hands at his side.Jack had now freed the purple tip; he licked across and then blew softly on it, not touching it otherwise.He was taking his time pleasuring his friend. Then he wrapped one large calloused hand around Stephen's engorged shaft and began to stroke up and down firmly. Another hand cradled his balls and pulled at them ever so gently. Stephen’s breath now came in short gasps and groans.

He looked down to divert himself, noting Jack's constricted condition but was unable to do anything about it; he was so caught up in a haze of pleasure. “Will you please continue? And would we not lie more comfortably on the floor?" Stephen suggested with whatever little self-control he still possessed. Jack smiled up impishly.“Do you think you can hold out for a while still?"

"Get on, will you."

Jack rose,belatedly realising that he should secure the door, then fetched the blankets from his cot and spread them on the chequered floor.With Stephen sitting there, shirt half on, half off his shoulders, Jack felt himself close to losing control.He pulled the shirt completely off and helped his friend lie on the blankets and made to join him.

Stephen rested his head on his hands and looked up at Jack; he had recovered his breath somewhat. "Dearest Jack, may I remind you of your excellent suggestion? Will you do away with your waistcoat and shirt?" He wet his lips. "I will gladly help you with your breeches and stockings."

Jack took off his waistcoat and threw it on the window seats. He opened his shirt completely and drew it out of the waistband, its folds well down to his knees.Stephen got to his knees fast, thinking "When has he realised that I love to see him still wearing his shirt? The contrast of the white hemp on his light brown skin is simply delicious."

Jack reached for the buttons of his breeches,only Stephen got there first. "Oh no, joy, this is mine. I promised help." And he undid the buttons and slowly pulled the breeches down. A thatch of dark blond curls at the base of Jack's shaft came into view. A recent thought returned to him and Stephen's mouth watered. But first he pulled the breeches down further and tapped at Jack's feet so he could step out of them. Stephen rolled down the stockings and lifted first one and then the other foot to pull them off. Jack had bent and steadied himself on his friend's shoulder.They looked into each other's eyes. Then Stephen's eyes moved lower.

Maybe it was his hungry gaze on him that made Jack draw a shuddering breath."Stephen, please...will you not..."Jack was desperate."Stephen! You will not have a drink now?" He needed his lover's mouth on him without the loss of a moment and there was Stephen taking a sip from Jack's glass. He reached around Jack to pull him near and then put his lips over the cock in front of his eyes.

The liquid was cool on his heated flesh and Jack nearly jumped when his friend started to swirl the liquid in his mouth, sucking around his shaft.It was difficult to restrain his hips from moving and he balled his hands at his side so as not to reach out and hold Stephen's head to push himself down his throat.

Stephen flicked over and around the head of Jack's prick, licked up the drops of milky liquid,then he nipped his way up and down, pressed short kisses to the nest of hair, kissed his way up again and put his mouth over the tip to suck. He heard groans hardly stifled and knew Jack was close to the peak. He sucked more avidly and felt the pulse of the shaft at the roof of his mouth. "Steph..."Jack bit down so hard on his lips that he split the soft skin and a small trickle of blood appeared.He released into Stephen's mouth.

Suddenly exhausted,Jack wanted to lie down, but found he couldn't because he had locked his knees.He drew the air deeply into his lungs and looked down at Stephen giving him a last lick and little kisses before looking up, smiling, his lips still wet. "Are you not my joy?"

Jack swallowed, having recovered his breath somewhat. "Will you need a helping hand?" and he lay down next to Stephen, who drew him close first to lick at the small trickle of blood on his lips and then to claim a long kiss, sharing their tastes.

"There is not a moment to lose, I find." and Jack bent to kiss Stephen’s prick. He cradled Stephen's balls, stroking them lightly with his thumb. Then he moved further down and replaced his hand with his lips, to kiss and lick at them. After a while he nipped his way up the underside of the shaft to the head and enveloped it with his lips. His fingers formed a ring around it to stroke up and down more firmly.

Stephen moved his hips and issued harsh irregular gasps. "Will you, please!" Jack in his turn twirled his tongue around the head and continued to suck and was rewarded with Stephen spending himself. He swallowed and swallowed and then Stephen slipped from his mouth. He licked him clean, then crawled up for a kiss and for Stephen to taste himself from this joining. He drowsily nuzzled the side of his lover’s neck and just about managed to draw a blanket over them. Stephen kissed the crown of his head and drew him closer. "Jack, are you asleep?"

"Yes, and dreaming of you."

"Will you now listen?" Long fingers combed through Jack's hair. Jack turned his head and kissed the pulse point at the base of Stephen's throat in answer.

"I would not change you for the world, my heart. Never fear that, never in life."

And they fell asleep.

*"Don't forget your old shipmates"
Safe and sound at home again, let the waters roar, Jack.
Safe and sound at home again, let the waters roar, Jack.
Long we’ve tossed on the rolling main, now we’re safe ashore, Jack.
Don’t forget yer old shipmate, faldee raldee raldee raldee rye-eye-doe!

Since we sailed from Plymouth Sound, four years gone, or nigh, Jack.
Was there ever chummies, now, such as you and I, Jack?

We have worked the self-same gun, quarterdeck division.
Sponger I and loader you, through the whole commission.

Oftentimes have we laid out, toil nor danger fearing,
Tugging out the flapping sail to the weather earring.

This song as well as "Spanish Ladies" plus quite a number of others can be found on the CD "Roast Beef of Old England" at .You will find the complete lyrics on that website.

author/artist: e, fanfiction, rating: nc-17

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