First Master and Commander Fic

Mar 05, 2004 19:52

Title: Elsewhere - Part One
Characters: Maturin, Aubery, Killick
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I realise that most of the persons, places and things in the following story are the property of Patrick O’Brain’s estate and Twentieth Century Fox/Universal/Miramax. As I am making no money from this, I respectfully request that no one sue me.
Notes: A continuation of the argument in the Great Cabin that ends with Jack saying, “You’ve come to the wrong shop for anarchy, Brother.” Apologies to the book fans, I’m going to read the rest of them, I promise. Until then, I’m afraid you’ll have to put up with my view of the movieverse. A big thank you to sanon for her comments and support.


When he looked up, Stephen’s eyes burned with frustration, anger and no little disappointment. Jack intensely regretted the words. He did not think his friend an anarchist, not most of the time at least.

Still, now that it was said, he’d be damned if he’d apologise. He had already tactically withdrawn two of his earlier remarks. Stephen’s own words had been cruel, and he certainly showed no sign of repentance.

“Well then,” the doctor said after taking several slow breaths, “I shall take my wares elsewhere.” He rose with his usual quiet dignity, but Jack saw his hands trembling slightly. Whether from anger or some other emotion, he could not tell.

It took him until Stephen reached the door to realise exactly what the he had said. Two swift paces and he caught up, his hand on Stephen’s shoulder. His friend’s muscles shuddered under his touch. “Stephen,” he said softly, “What do you mean ‘elsewhere’?” He felt his stomach clench with fear, and his voice rose. “Surely you do not intend…”

“You need not fear for your crew,” Stephan said. Jack winced; he had not thought that voice could get any colder. “After all, it is not my place to comment on your command.” He shrugged off Jack’s hand. “I did not know you thought so little of me, brother.”

Oh damn, that was not at all what Jack had meant. He had not for an instant supposed that Stephen would take his complaints to the men. He could think of no act less becoming of a gentleman. “Stephen…” he started, but the doctor was gone. Damn, damn and damn.

Well, he certainly would not go running after the man like a maid in love. Turning about, he strode angrily to the great windows. He leaned on the sill, glaring down at the motionless sea. Damn this calm, too. It had driven them all to the very edge of reason.

After a moment, he turned from that too. If Maturin was determined withhold his company, the captain might as well look to his work. But he had only sat, the thought returned to him. What the devil did he mean by ‘elsewhere’?

The obvious answer drove Jack to his feet before he even thought of moving. Stephen was not… he could not possibly be thinking… Damn. But why shouldn’t he leave? He had taken pains to make clear precisely what he thought of Jack, the Surprise and the whole bloody Royal Navy. His only reason to stay was obsession with science.

Jack cursed softly. Swallowing at least some of his pride, he resolved to seek out his friend and, well… He wasn’t sure what he would do when he found Stephen. He knew, however, that he had to talk to him. Though these words had hardly been as harsh, his mind kept straying to their only real falling out. Jack frowned and quickened his pace.

Which was how he ploughed straight over Killick, knocking him to the deck. Jack’s jacket crumpled under him, and his bicorn tumbled under the table. Killick ignored a proffered hand, scrambling after the hat. “Now he’s done it,” he grumbled. “Charging about with no notion of where he’s going. And I just brushed out his dress…”

Jack could only sigh and reflect on how vile his timing was. Now he would have to dress and see to that damned flogging. Now there was something sure to put Stephen in a harmonious frame of mind.

rating: pg, fanfiction, author/artist: m

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