Fiction. Master and Commander The Doctor Attends. R-ish

Jul 08, 2012 17:56

TITLE: The Doctor Attends
AUTHOR: Ashley-Pitt
FANDOM: Master and Commander
CHARACTERS: Jack Aubrey, Stephen Maturin
GENRE: Slash
PROMPT: Submitted for slashthedrabble Prompt # 328 Upset
SUMMARY: Jack is feeling a bit off color.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own these characters, nor am I making any money from them. I borrow them once in awhile but put them away tidily.

Stephen knocked and walked into the Captain’s cabin.

“Brother, I am sorry for my delay. I am hoping I am not too late to have this meal with you.”

“No, by all means Stephen, sit down.”

Stephen sat and began to pile food upon his plate.

“I am quite peckish. I believe I have not eaten since our battle this morning. I have been somewhat busy with the wounded. I was rather surprised, that after such a short engagement we had so many wounded.”

“Stephen,” Jack said rather testily. “Our “engagement” was four days ago.”

“Oh,” Stephen said mildly. “Then perhaps I am much hungrier than I thought. I have not eaten, save a small morsel since then.”

“ You seem to be making up for lost time now.”

Stephen looked up from his plate. “ I have heard a rumor that you are in a foul mood. Normally after a battle you are in quite high spirits. Are your humors upset? Should I examine your liver? Perhaps you need a blue bill or a purge,” Stephen said between hurried bites.

Jack suddenly pushed his chair away from the table and stood up. “No, I do not need a purge or a blue pill.”

Stephen looked up in concern. “ Brother, were you injured? No one informed me. I have been, as I said, rather busy with the wounded. One of my loblolly boys was killed.”

Jack strode over to the stern window and looked out.
“No I am uninjured. Perhaps if I was….”

Stephen stood up and with one longing look back at his plate moved over to where Jack was standing.

He placed a hand on Jack’s shoulder, “Brother, what is it?”

Jack turned to look at Stephen and said. “It has been four days since the battle. You have not come to my cabin, we have not played our instruments, we have not had toasted cheese…”

Jack shrugged and looked out at the bubbling wake.

Stephen took the small piece of roast pork he had taken from his plate and slipped it discreetly into his pocket.

“Jack, please let me examine you.”

Stephen peered into Jack’s eyes, felt his forehead and placed his hand on his liver and pressed gently.

Jack squirmed at the pressure.

“Does this place trouble you?’ Stephen asked

“No, but a place somewhat lower does trouble me,” Jack said.

Stephen’s eye brows went up as he finally smoked the problem.

Pushing Jack firmly but gently back to the bulkhead with one arm, he slowly unbuttoned Jack’s breeches with the other.
He slipped his hand down and grasped the neglected member.

“Perhaps I was palpating in the wrong area,” he said.

Jack moaned softly.

Stephen sought out Jack’s lips and kissed them.

Jack smiled and said. “You taste of roast pork.”

“Only the first course, my plum.” Stephen murmured.

Outside the door, Killick stood watch. “Which it is about time the Doctor tended to the Captain’s needs,” he said to no one in particular.

fanfiction, author/artist: a, rating: r

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