"Barbarossa is set in a fictional Second World War setting, where cute Nazi girls rush against Moscow to defeat the evil magician Stalin."Nubile, swastika-wearing anime girls flashing their panties in a Nazi-themed Japanese card game? What could possibly go wrong
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Comments 1
Believe it or not, this isn't the first "cute Nazi girls" product I've read about. I was pretty sure I've seen a videogame with the same specialist theme, but when I Googled for it all that comes up is Moe Moe Niji Taisen Deluxe which seems to involve women in bikinis representing tanks and planes. Including Nazi tanks and planes. I dread to think what distinguishes the "deluxe" version from the "standard" version. Special rare bikini/tank variants?
So there are two - maybe three - entries in this genre already.
And judging by the posters, Sucker Punch is aimed at Nazi girl fans who are in denial about it, because the female cast have got the entire look except for the swastikas.
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