
Oct 19, 2011 08:42

Okay.. time for a rant.

Well, not really a rant, I'm just a bit fed up *sigh*

I feel like bursting into tears right now, and I'm not sure why.

It might be cause I'm due on.. I have the beginnings of a tummy ache as well and I kinda wanna punch the kennel manager in the mouth and knock all of her crooked teeth out.. *GRRRR!*

I'd literally just stepped ( Read more... )

★rant, ★bee

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Comments 6

ueda_love1 October 19 2011, 09:10:40 UTC
Gah well thats a start to a crappy day! At least you get a week off!! :D Enjoy it and go crazy!
Have a nice day. Well at least the second half. =]



percybum October 19 2011, 09:36:14 UTC
Yeah, I can't wait!!! xD just that thought has kept me going over the past week or so :P

How are you feeling though? better? :3


ueda_love1 October 19 2011, 09:48:57 UTC
Oh i just saw the new layout <333

I'm feeling better thanks. I'm actually trying trying to get away to Zurich to go see my sister and we're going to try and make my brother come so he can get out. I don't often get on with my sister but when it comes to Christmas we get so excited. (last year i was counting from august)
but this year i could't get excited cos of everything but now im starting to get really excited and want to do more cooking!! and everything. So i think that's keeping me goin. =]



percybum October 19 2011, 09:58:44 UTC
*BIG HUGS* I hope you all have a good time :3 It'll be nice to just get away and relax a bit, get your mind off everything :D

I'm glad you're feeling better ^^

And isn't Sho-chan JUST SO CUTE? XP XP


himitsu_17 October 19 2011, 11:53:50 UTC
Gambatte dear :3
Enjoy your holidays (without a blonde Nino XD) ~

And you know just ignore this girl :)

*pat gently your tummy* It'll go better ~


percybum October 19 2011, 13:06:30 UTC
I wanted a blonde Nino :P
Thanks my lovely ♥
:3 luff yew <3


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