Oct 16, 2011 21:19

It's been a while since I posted here... Too busy!!!
Well.. a quick update..

I was in with the dogs on friday, and now I ache all over! I didn't realize how strong I was before my accident :O

On friday, I get to meet the wonderful crystal_jun who has done sooo much for me ^^ ♥ ♥

Aaaaand on Saturday, I'm going away for the weekend to Brighton with my mum  :D Can't ( Read more... )

☆sakurai sho, ★useless chatter, ★bee

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Comments 2

himitsu_17 October 17 2011, 16:15:18 UTC
Oooh it's great ♥

How is your knee by the way? I was asking myself that this week end :o


percybum October 17 2011, 17:28:18 UTC
It's alright taa.. I have the odd off day ^^

I've not spoken to you in ages :O



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