SGA J/R; spoilers through 3x08 (involving the Mensa!verse)
For the
tagebuch prompt for 6 November: You're eating breakfast.
lisaofdoom When none of the team from this Atlantis had shown up to breakfast, Rod had gone around and knocked on the doors of their quarters. At Teyla and Ronon's rooms, there was no reply. At John's room, he could hear the shower running through the door, so he didn't bother waiting. And at Rodney's room, Rodney stumbled to the door eventually in his boxers, muttering about how this time of day was meant for sleeping and not bothering people.
"Oh, it's you," Rodney said as he answered the door. If Rod hadn't known any better, he would have thought Rodney was disappointed, or at least thrown, by his appearance.
"Why aren't you at breakfast?" Rod asked.
Rodney blinked. "You're joking, right? For breakfast, I usually have coffee when I head in to the lab at eleven--unless we have a mission, which we, by the way, do not today."
"You mean we haven't made team breakfasts mandatory?" Rod asked in disbelief.
"Are you nuts?! Of course I haven't! I think they'd shoot me. Do you have 'mandatory team breakfasts'?" Rod didn't like the way Rodney spat the phrase; he used that tone himself to belittle John when he asked about Mensa meetings.
"Of course we do," Rod replied proudly. "What better way to promote team togetherness?"
"Oh, I don't know, let them sleep and then just save each others' lives?" Rodney shot back.
Rod hoped Rodney was just cranky at being woken up. He'd hate to have to admit that Rodney actually had a point. The team on this Atlantis did seem a lot more like a team--like a family--than his team did. They probably didn't always get along, but it seemed like that might not matter when they came under fire.
He often had to drag his team out of their respective beds for breakfast anyway. Ronon would only come to breakfast if they were serving bacon; a little negotiation with the cooks made this a possibility. Teyla often didn't join in conversation at all, just stared moodily into her oatmeal. And John needed Rod to knock on his door and wake him up every morning. Someone that smart really ought to know how to use an alarm clock instead of stumbling, much as Rodney had, to answer the door in his boxers.
Rod stared at Rodney for a minute. This was strange--not only did his John and Rodney have the same morning habits, but they also both had a pair of blue-and-white striped boxers. Rod's stare must have been unnerving, because Rodney suspiciously asked, "What?"
"Those are John's boxers," he said with a shrug. Rodney turned a bright shade of red and looked away quickly. Rod continued: "I have to drag him out of bed every damn morning for breakfast."
Rodney stopped dead in his tracks, a strangled, "Oh." escaping his lips. Rod looked at him for a second, uncomprehending, and then likewise murmured, "Oh. Oh."
When Rod got back to his Atlantis, the first thing he did at the next briefing was cancel team breakfasts. "Are you feeling all right?" Teyla had asked, raising an eyebrow. Ronon had grunted noncommitally at the news. John had looked at Rod strangely. "What did you see over there?" he asked--which was a strange question, because John had sat in on Rod's debriefing and knew the whole situation.
Rod had shrugged, unable to find words. Finally he answered: "Us. I saw us."
And Rod wasn't sure why, but the next day John got up early on his own and joined him for breakfast.